What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Bioshock (Xbox Ohne)
Played a bit this evening, I’m now near Atlas , I saved about 6 Little Sisters yet, shoot a lot Splizers, and also some Big Daddy’s ,
It’s quite entertaining, but not that deep as a RDR2 or so..
I can’t hack things, I know how to , but I’m not that fast in solving the Puzzles..
But now it seems like I get enough money by killing Big Daddy’s that I ditnt have to hack much

To Quote EvilDragon:
„Killing isn’t nice but well it works „
(From a early Pandora OS Video)
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Because I saw an Lets Play on Beam NG Drive, but I think this game will never run on the GPD Win (1.5) i decided to play some Rigs of Rods 0.4 on the Win, but this time in my Office on a big screen and whit USB Keyboard ,
In „Handheldmode“ the Car Controller is on the ABXY of the Win, so on the false side, but on a normal Keyboard it’s still the Arrowbuttons but a bit more easier to use..
Tryed some maps and some Cars, there is also an Unimog in this Game, but unfortunately the Win is a bit too slow for the game and it’s ditnt run that good..
A bit Goat Simulator on Nintendo Switch
Im now at the „Waste of Space „ DLC where the Goat crashes in a Space Station and now you have to collect Money to Crowdfund some Upgrades for the Space Station and you also get a personal Spaceship ^^
It’s controls a a bit wyrd, but it’s quite funny..
you collect money by make Quests for the Peaple, or you can get money by ramming they .. it’s a lot to do in this Game
Started playing Dark Souls II yesterday. The world is interesting again and the mechanics have been taken a few steps further from part 1. It's great to be able to parry while two-handing a weapon for example. The exploration and sense of danger are what draws me to those games. Reminds me of the good old Gothic II days.
Super Mario Land (Nintendo Gameboy Advance Classic refurbished and backlight Modded from Retrosix)
I try to make this my first Game on every new Handheld, if possible, expecely on Handhelds, that play the Original Cardridge, like the GBA,
So i played a bit until i came to the Submarine Level, then i made a Savestate whit the Everdrive GBA..
Plays pretty good on the GBA, mybe the DPAD is a little bit too stiff, but i think i get use to this, , unlike on the Gameboy Micro, where the GOMBA Emulator on the EverDrive made a pretty small Display because the Resulation, on the normal GBA, the Screen is much bigger, so you see everything a bit better..
The Sound is also good, but its also have the normal Headphone Jack Standart, so i have to use my Bluetooth Dongle whit the Airpods to have a normal Sound (whitouth noise)..
As it’s actually gratis on Xbox Store,
I played today the Xbox 360 Game „Crackdown „
There is a City whit a lot of crime and you are some sort of super agent who have to fight against them,
And this is quite funny: you can Level your scills up to the point where you can lift and trow cars, jump extremely high or make other cool things..
Other than that it’s gameplay is quite basic,
Defeat Gang Bosses and search in the city for some powerupps for your scills, or make a race
It’s quite funny..
Just finished Observer. It was exactly what I was expecting but absolutely nothing like what I was expecting. If you like a thrill, some dystopian horror and a lot of atmosphere and frequent jumpscares all wrapped up in a genuine philosophical debate on what it means to "be human" then I highly recommend it.
Just finished Observer. It was exactly what I was expecting but absolutely nothing like what I was expecting. If you like a thrill, some dystopian horror and a lot of atmosphere and frequent jumpscares all wrapped up in a genuine philosophical debate on what it means to "be human" then I highly recommend it.
Sound like "SOMA". Maybe I'll try Observer (I liked Soma, exept the part when monster chase you, that was anoying).
Started to play どうぶつの森、おいでよ(otherwise known as Animal Crossing: Wild World) DS version on my 3DS.

Good practice for my Japanese reading. But what a bastard Mr Reset (リセットさん) is!
I think it's more the other way around. I believe his name is from the English word 'reset' as he complains whenever you reset the game without saving first. Problem is he will ask you to repeat a phrase he tells you and you have a couple of seconds to read it before typing it back to him (words to the effect of "I'm sorry" or "I won't do it again).
Oh yeah, he's definitely caused by a reset without saving most of the time. But in the european localised games (and I suspect the US one as well) he's known as Mr Resetti. But adding an Italian word ending to a japanese word might not even be a thing you can do except in romaji I guess, and even if you did it would be unlilkey to make the right sense to someone not used to italian languages despite mario and luigi being nominally italian. I don't actually know which typeface his name is written in; since Japanese normally uses Romaji for anything european, is Mario and his ilk's name in Romaji, or do they have Hira/Kata characters for them these days?

Edit: Now you've got me wondering what Resetti's called in the Italian localisation. IIRC the -etti ending is diminutive, so it might still work there albeit slightly differently.
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Ah yeah, I'm probably mixing things up, it is years ago I learned this. Yeah, katakana for loan words, romaji for stuff you're basically meant to skip because it's really foreign.

I guess because you gave the katakana for Mr Resetti, that's how his name appears in game.
Ah yeah, I'm probably mixing things up, it is years ago I learned this. Yeah, katakana for loan words, romaji for stuff you're basically meant to skip because it's really foreign.

I guess because you gave the katakana for Mr Resetti, that's how his name appears in game.

Yep, there's no Romaji, which makes it better for practice. You can also choose between having kanji or kana only (using the phone in the bedroom) which is handy, although kanji used are amongst the most common ones at least. Clearly I need to speed up my reading for bits like "Mr Resetti"