What are you playing this weekend/these days?

TIS-100... because the assembler in me just can't leave it alone
GL-117 on Pandora and Minecraft on the Vita. I've got a very big city on it.
Ridge Racer Vita, the graphics are just so pretty...although I wish it was a complete game and not a micro-transaction game.
Yeah, it looks great, but there's no game there at all - how on earth did the devs get away with this shit? The Vita deserves better than this.
^ You know what I didn't like about mission mode on SoulCalibur 1...it was way too easy. But then again I'm a SoulCalibur expert :D
It's funny I never really played that mode until recently, back in the day I mostly played it either arcade mode or against a friend at my friend's house. I never owned my own dreamcast until I picked one (then three) up 5 years ago. 

Yeah so far not much seemed like a real challenge.
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Wonderful design (there have been games with better graphical technologies, but few have had such pretty and flavorful environments), fantastic music, awesome story. Nearly everything needed to be the perfect game. It even has good puzzles at first. Too bad the gameplay often turns into series of fetch quests or "walk from cutscene A to cutscene B". 

Still a wonderful game in my opinion.

I hope you've played The Longest Journey before.

Wonderful design (there have been games with better graphical technologies, but few have had such pretty and flavorful environments), fantastic music, awesome story. Nearly everything needed to be the perfect game. It even has good puzzles at first. Too bad the gameplay often turns into series of fetch quests or "walk from cutscene A to cutscene B". 

Still a wonderful game in my opinion.

I hope you've played The Longest Journey before.
Of course I've played the Longest Journey before and since someone gifted me the new "Dreamfall Chapters", I thought I'd give the second part of the series a go.

By now, I'm pleased by the design, but very annoyed by the controls but I guess I'll have to live with those.

Is it normal, that moving the mouse to the left results in a turn to the right and vice versa and there's no option to invert the horizontal axis back to the usual?
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Got myself a japanese psn account and a japanese Project diva F2nd on the Vita. I am discovering the world of edit plays :)
Keep meaning to go fire up a 4X (Endless Legend?) but never the time. My twins just started school (remember when I essentially dropped off the earth a few years ago .. well, slowly emerging back into the light ;) so we're getting some breathers ...anyone watching the last 6mo I've been hacking around 3d printers and tricopters/quadcopters .. so what little time I could get I was practicing flying, and writing firmware and 3d flight models .. messed up. So back to gaming..

.. pick up a couple RC flight-sims, so I can work on some skills, and not get rusty over the winter.

Skill-wise .. I had thought a lifetime of gamign would've sorted me out, but it didn't ;) "Nose in" flight (when an aircraft is pointed towards you) is tricky, and triply so in real life when a flying blender is coming towards you. I had figured Ridge Racer etc would train you, but you tend to be behind or in first person in most 3d motion games ... being line of sight, from a single spot, watching another vehicle and controlling it .. an RC car even tricks you, but a tricopter or quad is really tricky not just from the vertical dimension, but the lack of visual orientation queue. An airplane has a tale and wings, and tends to look very obvious which way its going (not to mention it can only go one way, usually :) .. a quad in flying-X form is usually fairly small, so once it gets to be a bit away form you, you can easily get spun around in your mental model, and not konw which way is front ... and at high speed, you may not have a second to tip away and orient yourself. A tricopter is much harder still .. a 'Y' copyer (evenly spaces arms) is very easy to lose track of which arm is the back. You can add color or in my case, pool noodle bits to help give padding and color, but at speed, distance, bright sun or shade.. you can lose orientation fast, and then smash!

So, RC "FPV" (firstr person view racing) and LoS sim is my game lately .. can't be at a flying field or park very often without kids around (all flying objects are kid magnets, which is bad when they are blenders), so.. sim time.

Oh yeah, and Endless Legend :)


(okay, RC is already in the sort of nerdy realm, especially aircraft; but how can you make it really nuts? i) aerial 'combat' .. popping balloons, or cutting streamers attached to each others aircraft, is nutty. ii) FPV racing - put a camera on the machine, and a receiver on goggles you wear, so you're flying as if in the aircraft while chasing around a circuit, or doing the combat. Imagine flying around at 50km/hour while trying to knock another dude out of the air. Messed up :)
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I have a RC Unimog and a verry tiny Quadrocopter which is quite fun :)

Whe need more RC Sims for the Pyra/Pandora

To go back to topic, im Playing curently a lot of Senran Kagura 2 on New 3DS XL,

Something about shapter 3 and its still quite cool
Persona 4G on Vita. Finished my undergrad degree project, all finished forever (unless I fail!), so I'm getting some P4G loveliness. Really liking it, only 9 hours or so in.