What are you playing this weekend/these days?


Available for a very reasonable price by now. Just a warning: You'll mainly play against hardened vets who know every corner of every map.
Starbound beta

It runs natively on my computer without having to reboot to windows.

Only problem I've run into : they don't allow to re-assign keys. Since they made the layout on a QWERTY keyboard and I'm using an AZERTY one, it's a bit hard to play. (but using the keyboard layout switcher, it gets easier ;) )
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Steamworld Dig

Had a couple of hours with this and it is a thing of beauty, also available on 3DS

Well worth the hype IMHO :

“SteamWorld Dig is a really lovely, very fun time. What a great thing for a game to be.” 


“SteamWorld Dig is an utterly phenomenal video game.” 

10/10 – Pocket Gamer UK 

“SteamWorld Dig is easily the best eShop game of the year... exceptionally refined platforming action.” 

9.5/10 – IGN 
Finally finished Jumpman on PC and MegaMan X4 on Pandora,

had to abort Unepic in the last realm because I managed to mis-skill my character (.... -.-)

and am now playing Grandia (already in Alent) again and started with the epic Hammerwatch,

already crushed the first boss with my warlock.

Friendly advice: do not start with warlock in single player mode!

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Legend of Zelda, Link Between World s on Nintendo 3DSXL,

Managed to catch the thife in the kakariko village , and got the fast run boots, than found a lot mie mies just whit running against woods, etc, now i have Upgrade some of my items.. i have 61 mi mis now..

And i have the titan cloves found in a dungeon..

Pokemon X, also on Nintendo 3DSXL:

Catcht some Evoli s and got me a Pokemon Team only whit Evoli Ecolotions like Felinara, etc

And i beatet the top 4 and the champ whit my Fenynex and Felinara. .
hum, I was alone yesteday... and since I bought Tomb Raider for a huge discount lately I tried that...

a few interesting point:

- okay, it's the first game I have that abuse takedowns... damn I don't want that, i'd play wiisport if i wanted to mash button in random order... they are just cheap excuse to some more cinematics...

- I had a bad feeling about that game but it was surprisingly good.

It was so good that I actually went to bed at 6am... after 10 hours of play... damn I'm too old for that...
the new Tomb Raider was an amazing game. If GTAV wasnt released, id consider a strong contender for GOTY
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past on Pandora. The way it should be.

Well that and New Super Mario Brothers with Drastic on the Pandora.
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Murder on the Mississippi is a classic game :)

I've been playing Tales of Phantasia (PSX), Magical Drop 3 and Money Puzzle Exchanger (both Arcade) with my girlfriend using a Pandora, a TV Out Cable, an USB-to-PSX Adaptor and a PSX Controller :)
Finished Hammerwatch with the Warlock but did not see the ending because I did not even remotely find all planks...

Will try it again with another character soon, this game has a really high replay value, hopefully I can play it in multiplayer sometime with anyone.

Since it's stable now, I continued to play the beautiful Unmechanical:

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