What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Somewhat political video ahead. It is of concern to people who like (to call other people) ninjas.

It's not so much the list of stuff that you can't say I would have a problem with, but the list of things you have to say.
Lets see how this develops during the new US government.
I have no idea how they got there officer.

I just completed Dishonored on PS3. Excellent game. Stealthy immersive sim. Takes place in Black Death-era London basically in the dodgy part of town by the water. Exactly where I live... Things haven't really changed much tbh. More polished and stylized than Half Life 2 which I recently played, but equally unpleasant environment. I don't like zombies / bloody disgusting things. I want to play a happier game next. 9/10

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