What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Journey to the Savage Planet

A really well made and funny exploration game, with a bit of platforming and some metroid-like upgrades, not really based on fights but some bosses are unavoidable.
This is one of the few games around that made me really wonder what could I expect on the top of that mountain or inside that cave...

It is filled with secret paths, some very difficult to find, but later in the game there are ways to have some indications.
Considering how many things there are to be found I wasn't expecting it to be so short, but I liked it, the world was well designed and the backstory/ads were super fun.

I played it totally with a controller, except for a path in the DLC where you have to use the jetpack for a long ride, and I wasn't able to turn the visual with the right stick while flying because I had to keep pressed "A" with the thumb to fly... I tried different times to do that part moving blindly while looking in the wrong direction, but in the end I used mouse and keyboard and did the fly at the first try, because to fly I was using SPACE with the left hand while turning the camera with the mouse on the right hand.
I've finished Pyre this week-end and I loved it.
As usual with Supergiants games, it's gorgeous and the music is outstanding. But in both Bastion and Transistor this was, in my experience, held back by the fact that the game offered me multiple approaches and I kept having the feeling that I had made sub-optimal choices. There was also, except for a few great pieces, a discrepancy between the gameplay and the rest of the game.
I didn't feel these with Pyre. Even if there are multiple choices and tactics you can go for, the core of the action part of the game is clear enough that you get a clear understanding of what they entail. Plus even if I could see different possible tactics, I never felt like I was stuck into sub-optimal ones because of past choices.
The characters are nice, the story is great and filled with themes and details that you discover as you go. The action part is both frantic and tactical. And it has this wonderful concept of not having any "failure". If you lose a match you're clearly told that you should accept that loss and carry on and that what's important is not winning everything but making your journey. That's an approach I'd like to see more.
I finished Superliminal this weekend addition loved it. It's like a perspective-twisting take on Portal, and has some interesting variations in the puzzles in the later stages and quite a few secrets to find.

It also finishes with positive message at the end, and is a really relaxing game to play (zero stress, and fun puzzles).
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Finished Supraland Six Inches Under at under 50% completion. Once again loved it and will return to find all the hidden stuff.
I'm really not liking FFVII remake. I absolutely hate that when you talk to people repeatedly they say different things. So you have to talk to everyone four times I think. I hate it I hate it I hate it. To me the game is pure eye candy but in a played out style. I feel ripped off.
If I remember FFVII the first time around, the talking to people to get important stuff out of them only lasts until you leave the city* on the train. That lasts at most half of the first disc, so at the very most a quarter of the game, and probably not even that in the cold light of day.

* Midgare, or am I thinking of a Zelda title here?
Yeah Midgare. I actually played the original FFVII a few years ago on rpi and it failed to impress. It was the game that supposedly broke JRPGs globally but not for me. The combination of vector graphics with the pre rendered backgrounds just didn't look good. It's quite clear to me now the 16-bit ones were the peak. They were so engaging, you had to concentrate. The music is consistently excellent though I must say. Love Nobuo Uematsu.

But this thread makes me believe the game universe is huge. Admittedly I don't follow it much but I suspect there are very many gems on eg the ps4. I tend to buy games and not really play them. I choose the wrong ones. It's pretty sad. Seems like there are a lot of smaller companies still innovating. I'm curious about Pyre. If I could play it with my 9 year old daughter that would be perfect. Like a two player collaborative quest game... would be amazing. I'd love to share a Zelda like experience with her. She's into Minecraft, Roblox. Actually we tried Dragon Quest Builders which I actually really like, by that fizzled out.

Can anyone recommend an engaging, two player collaborative ps4 adventure game that is not too difficult?
Believe it or not, those prerendered backgrounds with low poly figures on top was a big selling point in the day. On that hardware at the level they'd exploited it at the time, you couldn't render all of that background complexity as vectors, probably the best looking games on PS1 that are all vector was probably the Crash Bandicoon, the Wipeout games and Driver, but Crash Bandicoot and Wipeout had the advantage that for racing games you don't need to do any Z sorting, to work out what order to paint things in, you just go from horizon to foreground, and the vectors are already sorted into track slices.

Back then, the N64 was far more capable in projecting 3d worlds. The PS1 had some great games, but the presentation was all a little more simple.

I'm not really in the market for PS4 games. Is the Ratchet and Clank game that came out for that any good in 2p?
GTA Vice City, the Dingsbums Edition (I don’t rember) (Nintendo Switch OLED)
Made a few Missions for Ricardo Diaz, I stool a Speedboat, won a race whit it , but then he napped Vance and then the iconic mission where Tommy and Vance dit concer his big mansion ^^
Wasn’t that easy but now I have my own gangster imperium ^^
I think now the next part of the game will start: buying business, and make missions for them ^^
Just wanted to bring you to your attention this masterpiece (story-wise). It's very linear (in order to force the story progression). If you hate rats... don't watch it...
Finished (the main story at least) Killer is Dead a weird 3D third-person action game. You play an executor working for some governmental agency that kills weird things. The third (I think) level has you go to a castle on the dark-side of the moon and it's mostly played as if it was something completely ordinary (the main character walks normally on the moon, witch just a helmet he removes when arriving at the castle because it has breathable air). Also the main character will generally talk about how things should go some way because it's an action video game. That weirdness is reinforced by the visual style, that's a bit similar to how things looked on old LCD screens when looking at an angle... Remember the kind of dark blue you got instead of black? That's one of the main colour of the game.
The main gameplay of the game is a relatively basic third person slasher. There isn't an emphasis on learning combos as in other games, instead it's more about timing attacks and dodges and handling groups of diverse enemies. It's nothing really special but it's ok.
There are also "gigolo" side missions where you, to use the terms of the game, meet a "beauty" and play a mini-game where you have to look at her "sexy body parts" when she's not looking in order to pump blood to your head so that you can offer her a gift that will fill her heart meter. Once the heart meter is complete, you've "captured the beauty's heart".

If it wasn't for the absurd setting played straight and the weird visual style, it'd probably be an average action game. My biggest complaint would be the difficulty. You've got stats and power you can improve as you go and all missions have a "rating", pushing you to replay them. You can also switch between difficulty levels at any time. I started playing with the "hard" difficulty which was challenging at times but didn't feel impossible until I got stuck at a boss fight. And I had no idea if it was because I was doing something wrong, missing some upgrade, because I was expected to have replayed the first missions multiple times or just because I wasn't supposed to play on "hard" on my first try. I finally switched to "normal" and while there were still a few challenging situations, the game was mostly a breeze. That's ok because I didn't mind playing it as a basic action game, but I would probably have enjoyed it more with a better adjusted challenge.
This one oozes style and has made me laugh. Feels like playing an excentric, fresh anime full of flavourful, flashy characters more than all the games wearing that genre like a badge.
GTA Vice City (The Devinitive Edition) (Switch)
Made just a quick test to see if it was just a bug that there was no helicopter on the roof of my Mension, , closed the Game completly, opened it up again, and made some Police Missions whit a Tank instead of a Police Car because this way its much more easy ^^
This brought me a max Armor of 150 Points, and enough money to buy Sunshine Cars, and the Movie Studio
I also looked on my Roof, and there was the Helicopter finaly ^^
I played https://kevin.games/nend-io
(free, webbrowser game)
It's like passage, where you get old. mixed with tamagochi and sims. You basically work and feed yourself, until you have enough money to adopt and buy a house, and then you can re-incarnate and become the (playable) child.
I've installed this game on Linux. The community is small, but very welcoming to noobs like me (I suck at FPS's)

Works on all mayor platforms.

It's shiny and sleek. And very different from CUBE2 (Sauerbraten, the old buildname, I miss those maps. Linux now comes with Bananabread and so few maps)
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Sounds boring... but is it? how does it play, what's your take on it?
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Red Eclipse: A free arena shooter featuring parkour

I have only had a look at the video, but the "parkour" part seems to be almost not present... the only thing I have seen is wall running, but except for that even the arenas don't seems parkour friendly.
They should really have a look at "Dying Light: Hellraid" maps to see how amazing parkour arenas are made.
Havent seen DL1, but in DL2 these elements are there indeed: