Yes, we have a Doom port, but its still buggy and no one is working on it for the moment (i think so), so i had the ideaif it is possible to port zDoom. All because of the good mod (or wad) support of zdoom, there a several very cool Doom mods out there, which i think could all run on the gp32. Also the sourcecode of it is out. Dont know really if its possible because i cant find system reqs on their site, but it cant be to much (it is Doom!)Ok perhaps you think like me...
here is a link to the zdoom hompage ,where you can download a win32 and linux version and the source:
PS: another point his, what about playing HL or Goldeneye on the GP32 ???
Yes its possible with two great TCs, here some screens:
Yes, we have a Doom port, but its still buggy and no one is working on it for the moment (i think so), so i had the ideaif it is possible to port zDoom. All because of the good mod (or wad) support of zdoom, there a several very cool Doom mods out there, which i think could all run on the gp32. Also the sourcecode of it is out. Dont know really if its possible because i cant find system reqs on their site, but it cant be to much (it is Doom!)Ok perhaps you think like me...
here is a link to the zdoom hompage ,where you can download a win32 and linux version and the source:
PS: another point his, what about playing HL or Goldeneye on the GP32 ???
Yes its possible with two great TCs, here some screens: