We need a new Doom port!!

I thought up a pretty good control method recently for the GP32 and various FPS games.Unfortunately it sacrifices circle strafe.

D-Pad : standard movement
A: Open
B: Shoot
Select+Left/Right on D-Pad: Change Weapon (up or down)
A+LBUTTON: Strafe Left
A+RBUTTON: Strafe Right
Select+LBUTTON:Look Up
Select+RBUTTON:Look Down
Select+LBUTTON+RBUTTON:Centre View
RBUTTON: Spare, could be used as a map button in Doom for example.
Select+Up/Down on D-Pad: Also spare, could be used to select items
Select+Start: Also spare, could be used to use items.
Actually seems like a very good control scheme (no strafe jump tho :P)

Am I missing something? You can do A+L+(d-pad right) to circle strafe, can't you?

- Rico