Warzone 2100


Nov 14, 2005
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As this was opensourced some time ago and recently ported to sdl and linux i find it highly reasonable to try and port it, as it would definitely rock to have on the GP2X, think of it; a handheld Moddable software 3d rts. I used to play this on my 133Mhz pc so it shouldn't be a problem with the specs either.
I know this is something I, if noone else does before me, spend some of my holidays trying to port.

Wow, it would be freaking amazing if you could get that running at a decent frame rate. Not saying it's not possible but it would be amazing to have it playable on the gp2x :)
I dont know about 3d but any rts would be great. You know something like advanced wars. (or advanced wars itself hopefully)
I think we will get gba emu sooner than later, but having warzone 2100 would be great fun imho despite it only being software 3d and not with 500 units on screen at a time.
It would make it the first handheld to have a 3d rts i think ;)
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I dont know about 3d but any rts would be great. You know something like advanced wars. (or advanced wars itself hopefully)
I think we will get gba emu sooner than later, but having warzone 2100 would be great fun imho despite it only being software 3d and not with 500 units on screen at a time.
It would make it the first handheld to have a 3d rts i think ;)
Ya, I think. Well, yep. Unless we wait for those DS RTS's comming out. But those are semi 3d.
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I looked at it and decided that it would be too difficult to play without a mouse unless a lot of work was put into implementing controls.

So, I'd be looking out for a quality port, cause I loved this game. :)
I looked at it and decided that it would be too difficult to play without a mouse unless a lot of work was put into implementing controls.

So, I'd be looking out for a quality port, cause I loved this game. :)
No it's not hard, just a matter of mapping the mouse to the large pad and the shoulder buttons for rotating, the screen moves as the mouse moves to the edge of the screen, clicking is done with the one of the buttens and you use the other 2 for navigating the menus, and then you have one left to go to and from 90 degree look.
Not hard at all, i want the sdk... :P
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I dont know about 3d but any rts would be great. You know something like advanced wars. (or advanced wars itself hopefully)
Advance wars is not an RTS (realtime strategy) but turnbased.
Turnbased strategy is a LOT easier to do on a handheld mostly because the controls are not as critical (because you don't have to actively control a lot of units in real time).
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I dont know about 3d but any rts would be great. You know something like advanced wars. (or advanced wars itself hopefully)
I think we will get gba emu sooner than later, but having warzone 2100 would be great fun imho despite it only being software 3d and not with 500 units on screen at a time.
It would make it the first handheld to have a 3d rts i think ;)

Atleast GP32 beat 2X to it, with GPFinalWar.
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What sort of a system will I need to run TA Spring?
You will most certainly need a 3D graphics card to run TA Spring, which will probably require at least a GeForce3 (note that a GeForce4 MX is not better than a GeForce3) and the latest driver supported. Minimum CPU requirements are a little more complex. A more powerful CPU will have the capability to support larger maps and a greater maximum unit limit. A 1 GHz CPU should be able to support an estimated 500 units. The needed memory will also vary with unit count and map size, but 512 MB should be enough. However, 1024MB you should already have, so it'll run fine.

Taken directly from the website^^^^
Yeah forget the TA spring version thingy
I may have a port of it soon, so far i've done nothing much but to change architecture, so still long to go, and as i've no sdk i haven't mapped controls either, but it compiles right now, and thats something ;)
Epsilon said:
I may have a port of it soon, so far i've done nothing much but to change architecture, so still long to go, and as i've no sdk i haven't mapped controls either, but it compiles right now, and thats something ;)
Runs quite well on 400mhz omap2420 @ 640x480. Could run pretty well on gp2x at lower res.
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