Wanna Play Your Ps1 Games On Psp?

That looks really nice, mine seems a really washed out blue since I flashed it - it used to be read. I assume thats normal though as i've seen many like that on youtube - and it works perfectly.

A gp2x theme would be cool :)

@steve-o - cheers mate :)
The default backgrounds change every month. December was red and now it's that weird blue for January. You can override the selection though if you go to the Theme menu under Settings.

im not i cannot for the life of me find my blooming bishi bashi or incredible crisis CD's neither can i find them on "hmm, wink wink, nudge nudge, awoooga" sites.

that sucks man; games like that would be hard to... 'aquire' unless you have the disk. I just looked em up on ebay; some good prices, but the problem is getting and NTSC version in the UK. If the PAL works, though, theres an auction up now that'll run you only 7 quid

sorry for the late reply im on crack...... but i dont really want to buy them again i will find them, i have some idea where they are...... i cannot wait to play pie.

if you guys aint played icredible crisis and bishi bashi DO IT!
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Does anybody have starwars - the phantom menace running?

I can't find it on any compatibility lists, and i'm buggered if I can get it going :(

It's one of my favs - loved the mos espa level (about level 4 if I remember correctly)

Tried but cant get mine to work :(
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Most of you have probably already thought of this but for the few that didn't...

I realized I had already found an unlikely site today for PS1 games as I spent a good portion of the Christmas season staring at it.


I just bought a replacement for my Destruction Derby 2 disc for $4.84 USD shipped. I figured if Sony's going to charge me $5 a download(IF I could afford a PS3 that is) I would set that as my limit. Seems there's a decent selection of disc-only games from Amazon sellers that come to about that or less. :)

I was checking out an unrelated order with Amazon this morning and figured it couldn't hurt to try! Glad I did. :) :)
Most of you have probably already thought of this but for the few that didn't...

I realized I had already found an unlikely site today for PS1 games as I spent a good portion of the Christmas season staring at it.


I just bought a replacement for my Destruction Derby 2 disc for $4.84 USD shipped. I figured if Sony's going to charge me $5 a download(IF I could afford a PS3 that is) I would set that as my limit. Seems there's a decent selection of disc-only games from Amazon sellers that come to about that or less. :)

I was checking out an unrelated order with Amazon this morning and figured it couldn't hurt to try! Glad I did. :) :)

I got Destruction Derby 1 for $3 at my local EB Games ..

.. though now I get them for free ;)
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So, what PSX games are people enjoying at the moment? I felt a bit down after finishing FF7, that game is just too good.

I'm playing Dune2000 now and it's a bit of a pain without a mouse but still good fun.
So, what PSX games are people enjoying at the moment? I felt a bit down after finishing FF7, that game is just too good.

I'm playing Dune2000 now and it's a bit of a pain without a mouse but still good fun.

Xenogears. I love RPGs that have a run AND a jump button :D
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I have too many on my card at once to settle down playing one :P... Maybe I should just put 1 or 2 on at a time :)
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So, what PSX games are people enjoying at the moment?

Metal Gear Solid. I loooove that man!!

Snake!?!? SNAKE!!!!!!!
OMG MGS on the ps1 was heavenly! I never finished the very end though :huh:

Dude, you have to, it's beautiful, but the ending's sad if you let meryl die, but you do get the stealth camo...
It's been yeaarrss since i played it. I'd have to start from scratch (which i may do on the psp actually).

Now to test out some BIN files. :)
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It's been yeaarrss since i played it. I'd have to start from scratch (which i may do on the psp actually).
This is one of the biggest attractions of this emulator for me.

I played FFVII twice(once as-is and once with the game guide to hit everything I missed). I've never played it again. I started messing with it last week and I remember nothing about it except I loved it. It's almost brand new all over again!! :wub:

Most of the Playstation games are like that for me now. My last "must-have" is Driver. If Driver would work I'd be really happy... but apparently it isn't compatible as yet. It locks up for a lot of people. I'll just have to be happy playing on my PC via ePSXe for now.

Has anyone here gotten that to work successfully yet?
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I've played through FFVII twice and this is the third time and I ALWAYS get stuck in the frozen north aria at the start of the second disc!

I've been wandering around for HOURS!

So, help me people....