Wandor (working title)

Oh well, I guess I still can give you this:

This image shows the evolution of the graphical style from a first design (left side) (after my initial programmer art, seen in the YouTube videos) to the final one we are going with now (on the right side).
(I planned to present the new style in a video, but I don't see this happening anytime soon, so here ya go...)

I hope you guys like it.

foxblock out
foxblock said:
Oh well, I guess I still can give you this:

This image shows the evolution of the graphical style from a first design (left side) (after my initial programmer art, seen in the YouTube videos) to the final one we are going with now (on the right side).
(I planned to present the new style in a video, but I don't see this happening anytime soon, so here ya go...)

I hope you guys like it.

foxblock out

Looks great. I'm really looking forward to this game. ^_^

-God Ginrai
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Video time:

Showing the new tilemap and some great music and SoundFX by NickMay. Enjoy!

foxblock out
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Looking awesome! Just like to point out that the, walking, jump and landing sound FX are temporary, Greg and I have yet to work on these. Oh and just to clarify, music is by myself and Sound FX are by me and Greg Ellingworth (because he is awesome at sound design!)
The Wandor team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hey guys, I just saw that video from August... wow, looking pretty polished already. I especially love the music.

Just a note about the graphics: the pixel art seems fine, but the animation isn't that great when Wandor is walking and jumping (it's good when he's turning around, though). He seems overly stiff, like a robot. Arms should swing in opposite direction when walking (other side of legs), and some squash/stretch when jumping would not be out of order. "The Animator's Survival Kit" is a great book about the craft of animation, if you need one.
Esn said:
Hey guys, I just saw that video from August... wow, looking pretty polished already. I especially love the music.

Just a note about the graphics: the pixel art seems fine, but the animation isn't that great when Wandor is walking and jumping (it's good when he's turning around, though). He seems overly stiff, like a robot. Arms should swing in opposite direction when walking (other side of legs), and some squash/stretch when jumping would not be out of order. "The Animator's Survival Kit" is a great book about the craft of animation, if you need one.

Haha, yeah that video is really old, it does not even feature a jump animation (that is just the walk animation used as a placeholder). The problem with the arms in the walking animation was already fixed since then, too.
I agree that is looks kinda stiff, but we still have a lot of work to do, especially on the graphics part, so most graphics are still placeholders.
The video just shows the most finished part ;)

Thanks for the input, though.

foxblock out
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PokeParadox said:
I think he is working on something for the platformer compo, so unlikely to be much Wandor updates until after that I would think.

That is correct.

So, yeah sorry everybody no updates at least before the end of March - I am very busy with uni (don't find much time to work on the platformer for the comp either) and the rest of the team currently also is very busy with either uni or work.
Though there actually is or rather would be new stuff to show - I might make a new video after the competition or near the end of it.

Thanks a lot for the continuous update request though, I shows me that there actually still is an interest in this and keeps me going :)

foxblock out
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I too am working on a game for the compo (and doing an internship in a game/multimedia company). I'm glad to see there's interest in this project and I'm we sure will continue development after the compo (and when I finally have my Pandora) :)
Allright not too nice to grave-dig this here, but as there were people asking for updates (over here), I have made a lengthy post about the state and fate of the project over at the Pandora forums:

Allright I see there is some speculation going on here and I wanted to reply earlier, but really did not know the best way to do so, so here it goes.

Well first of the game still exists and is not forgotten, here is proof:

But, before you get your hopes up for now it's better the project's status is regarded as "dead", an explanation is following.
There are several reasons for this, first of all this project was a planned disaster from the very beginning, which is 100% my fault.
It was my first project, I was very inexperienced and I fell into the common "bite more than you can chew"-trap. First results were great and rewarding then things got more slow and tedious.
I made the fault of thinking we need graphics before we implement the actual code (like behaviour of units), while actually the complete opposite is true (always work with placeholder graphics first to see whether elements actually work out in the real game).
You can see that graphics improved vastly over the course of the videos, while shown gameplay stayed almost the same. (Although one might say the graphics are the reason many people actually got interested in the game, but that's only an vicious guess).
Work on many different features started with other (partly more important) things left undone.
We actually made a plan, but it was not as detailed as it should have been and was not as followed as strictly as it should have been.

Now I realized that quite some time back and with the help of the team we actually made a proper design document (10 A4 pages and growing) and I made a proper ToDo list to get back on track.
Then another "homebrew killer" happened: Lack of free time. As he wrote above Dragons_Slayer (and the very same applies to me) had a lot to do for uni (and got side-tracked by other projects), other team members were busy at work they even had to do crazy overtimes and work on Sundays, so the whole thing fell apart again. Also most of the team was waiting for me to finish the engine code.

Now they are still waiting for me (I suppose/hope) and a month back I actually started working on applying some new ideas and changes I got with Greyout (which was based on a heavily modified version of the Wandor engine) back into Wandor.
Here is a local git changelog:
As you can also see the last commit already is over 2 weeks ago as I got to write 4 exams in the coming 2 weeks, so studying is taking up my whole day (almost at least).
Also so far I probably touched every file there is and modified it in some way, so I will probably end up re-writing half of the game (whether that is actually necessary might be up for debate, but it certainly is for the best).

My current plan is, and this is actually I have not spoken with the team about, to finish the engine quitely on my own so we are ACTUALLY ready with it and only have to fix bugs and can focus on creating levels and enemies completely.
This will take a while, but I am more confident I am ready for it now than I was three years ago (yes it has been that long).
Also playing the "demo" on the Pandora just makes me happy, a WarioLand-clone is the game I always wanted to make and it just "feels right" (even in the crude state it is) as if the Pandora has been made for it and not the other way around (mind you the whole game up to this point has been made without anyone of the team actually owning a Pandora).

So to sum it up, there is still a lot to do and there won't be any big news in the near future as I also got several other projects to finish.
You are better off regarding this project as "dead" until I announce otherwise, because it still just might not work out (either because I lose interest or the rest of the team or eventually it does not feel as great, there is plenty of stuff that can go wrong).

Thanks for the continued support, I highly appreciate the questions that I get regarding the game and threads like this show me there actually is interest in this game.

I think I never talked as openly about it, I hope you appreciate it and don't think "oh great another TL;DR post from foxblock", because that certainly won't keep me from writing those

I will leave you with this:

PS: Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day btw, so yar scurvy pack of land-rats get ya salty piece of face outa my sight and start mopping up the deck befor I keelhaul y'all.

I've been looking forward playing it since i've seen it the first time.

Platformers are my favourite games since ever (probably because one of my first games ever played was Super Mario Bros on the NES :)) good to hear you're still working on it.