Wallpapers for Pyra

el joker

Very Active Member
Dec 12, 2015

I introduce myyself quickly, I m french and little artist ( photos / graphisms / videos ), I love simple & effective things.
You can see here :

Photos / graphims : https://www.flickr.com/photos/les-allummers-prod/ & videos ( interview / stop motion / shorts films ) : https://www.youtube.com/user/allummersprod/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0

Since I discovered the Pandora at TGS ( Toulouse Game Show ) and I knew the Pyra out soon. I support it. It s the first project in Linux who i did it and i believe in so much and i talk around me too in g+ and diaspora. For me the pyra ll be a smallest & lightest computer ( to carry in my backpack & use in train ) because I take train every week end to go home. And the train is often late. the trip lasts normaly 4 Hours but the late is always 5 minutes and maximum 3 Hours.

So I decided to create Wallpapers for the Pyra and maybe test it too because he received a proto too last days.

The wallpapers
format : png
resolution : 1280 x 720 pix
dpi : 90
program : Inkscape
licence : CC BY-NC-ND

Special thanks to @fantomid to give the ressource.

Now you can see 3 wallpapers

Thanks to all

ps : I hope Inkscape ll be on Pyra

pyra wallpape v4.png
pyra wallpape v6.png
pyra wallpape v7.png
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Yeah, I mean to say I know what I meant, because I wrote it. More that I don't know what the designer designing that emoticon was intending to express when they made it.
I don't know if Debian supports a boot video; when I used it I could set my login screen backdrop as a static jpeg, I think, but that was all. Perhaps I'm out of date though, but most likely it would need someone to code a player to pop up at late boot.

Only trouble is, by the time you've got enough graphics running to display a video, most things have started already, so a video of more than half a second or so in my experience would end up lengthening the bootup, before you have the opportunity to log in. I'd be against that in principle.

Edit: Or maybe a video after login, in the same vein as the initial readme file, might be a nice feature, if you could disable it once you've seen it (or it does that automatically). Might be slightly irritating if you have to watch it every time you reflash, but perhaps it doesn't need to be launched automatically.
You're right, there's no point to have a video if the pyra boot up instantly.
It won't be instant, but being able to decode and render a video depends on quite a lot of stuff already being running. So you won't be able to start the video until relatively late in the boot. For example, my login manager started to pop up five seconds after the kernel first started logging on this laptop, and it felt like it took 10-15 seconds or so to boot (but around 5 seconds of that is bootloader). I don't know off the top of my head how much you need to get running before you can access the framebuffer and play a video on it.

To be honest, I wouldn't even recommend spending much time investigating it when putting a video on the desktop called 'Play me first' or something has many of the benefits of an automatic first time video and none of the downsides. If your intention is to have a short video to look pretty when it boots up every time (like an animated logo or something) then it's more debatable, but even if you can run it early enough, it will slow down the boot so I'm not keen on it. Maybe it's something someone could code up and release as a DBP package if more than a few people actually want it though.
Gad no - I hate it when devices and programs run on-boot and on-launch logo videos. I keep wanting them to quit wasting my time and get on with it already. If I want to see animated logos, I'll go to the company's website - where there generally aren't any animated logos because that would be a waste of their bandwidth.
I made another one with more details. ED should run a contest for the wallpaper cause the ones in this thread are great!

Personally I think mine is a bit too busy for most peoples taste, but it looks pretty good on my Pandora.


  • Lava Pyra Desktop redux.png
    Lava Pyra Desktop redux.png
    667.5 KB · Views: 607