But how do any of these compare to the wonderful film "Super Mario Bros."?
I watched that movie in cinema back then when I was a kid, I found it not that bad...back then.
I know that story with Bob Hoskins and he may be right. The movie was pure trash and not worth to watch twice. But at least it had some interesting references to the games. Actualy, everythign was there: Princess Daisy, Koopa and his Troopers, Goombas, high jumps, even Yoshi and mushrooms, bo-ombs etc... I've seen game based movies with less references. Oh, and Roxette made the soundtrack! :wub:
I was so happy they made it into a film until I saw it. I like a lot of films no one else will waste their time with for a variety of reasons, however I felt they destroyed the SMB story, and that it had no redeeming qualities. Even as a kid I thought it sucked. The goombas just pissed me off.
Overall, there are not much good Videogame Movies, first Street Fighter Movie was also trash but much better than this horrible Chun Li flick.
But, but, but...I don't recall either of them in detail, and I don't think I really liked the first. I do remember that I thought the Chun-Li one was watchable (for me...yet, strangely, I can't stand some stuff that is extremely popular and well received), and I actually enjoyed it.
Dead or Alive was somehow watchable, however, Kasumi wore long trousers in that film and no skirt, these bastards!!! :angry:
No disagreements here. I feel that it may have seemed a bit hollow. I never really got very into these games, so they may be just as hollow.
and Silent Hill maybe the best Videogame Movie yet.
I recently saw Silent Hill: Revelation and enjoyed it. Not as good as the first one. As for the story and depiction of the games, I have only played the first one, and never completed it. I do plan to go back to these games if I get the chance since they are something I would really enjoy.
Resident Evil is also watchable but I never found any of the movies really good. They competely forgot the puzzle part and the suspense.
I think they were just going for action movies inspired by video games. We own all but the last of these (they fit into my family's interests outside of video games, and I feel that they are better than a lot of the other recent zombie films out there).
The old one has a sequel in comic form that's not too bad:
You can get away with a lot more with comics. I think I have come across this before and didn't bother to read it because of my frustration with the film. I will take a look. Thanks for the link.
How about the rumor of Netflix bringing a live action Legend of Zelda series? Personally I don't think it'll work, there's too much variety in the Zelda series: no matter what they do there'll be massive complaints that it either isn't "zelda enough" or it's "not original enough", know what I mean?
I can see this going very wrong if not handled properly, and I can't imagine how it can be done properly. The moment Link speaks it will fail, and it seems difficult to base a show around an action character that only grunts and stuff (hasn't he only ever said two words in the entire series of games?). I would rather it be "not original enough" than not Zelda enough.
I would love to see a Metroid movie though, that's something that could be done beautifully with the right directory.
Yes, so much yes! I personally don't want it live action. I don't want to associate an actress with Samus. She is probably my favorite video game character.
wow, your standards must be pretty low then
It isn't so much that my standards are low as much as that I appreciate things for different reasons. A movie doesn't have to be good to be enjoyed. All those action films with minimal story that seem to do so well prove that, and I can't stand most of those. (Having read the rest of the thread I see that WizardStan mentioned the good "bad movies".)
There are a lot of movies which are bad, but are still great. I don't understand the paradox; like, I can say "this is a really bad movie" and at the same time "I want to watch it again, and again, it's so awesome". Not even that they are so bad they're good, like they are legitimately terrible movies that are also legitimately good movies. It makes no sense to me but I know it to be true. Anyone else experienced this?
Yes. All the time.
I kinda go for those films that are often overlooked, or generally disliked enough that no one mentions them or bothers watching them, though. Some, like The Whisperer in Darkness by the HPLHS that I finally got around to watching because it was on Chiller last week, don't have a massive budget to live up to what they are trying to do. That is a bad example, as that is a great movie, and I think they did a really good job with everything, and it may be better than The Call of Cthulhu. A better example would probably be the Matrix. I have seen it more times than I should, but it is really a shitty movie. It has about 5 minutes worth of story that other films would use as an introduction, and a bunch of eye candy. Everyone acted like it was such an amazing movie, and I was told many times that I would love it because of my interests and tastes, so they were all confused when I told them that the only thing that was somewhat interesting was the basic idea and ontological stuff. I am pretty sure this movie was widely regarded as great, but it is just bad and pretty. I really liked The Animatrix, though.
Anyway, films can have horrible actors and an incompetent crew, and the story and ideas can be great, so for me it is still a wonderful movie. I can think of some that I like and I don't know why I like them, and should probably greatly dislike them. I still watch them, often many times. There are some that I do like for the reasons The Matrix was probably popular: appealing or interesting visuals. Sometimes I just like a character, and if the actor can pull it off all the other failings of a film don't really matter much.