Prometheus - Alien Prequel out now~

In my opinion its a great film and does a good job of pluging some holes, the alien at the end is not a normal alien but a queen, who do U think lays all the eggs that are in the alien film?

Except that wasn't LV426, it was LV233, a totally different planet. Also, the Pilot Race ("Engineers") were too small - their upper arm was the size of a man in Alien.

LV-426 is the planet with rings, LV-223 is a moon that is orbiting it.
I went to see this with very little expectation.Not bad but not great.The plot was simplistic and predictable.Im your father Alien baby pregnancy?I saw them coming a mile off.Very nice visuals and sets though full of nice details If you want to see a recent great sci fi film then do your self a favour and see District 9 it's is brilliant on so many different levels.
In my opinion its a great film and does a good job of pluging some holes, the alien at the end is not a normal alien but a queen, who do U think lays all the eggs that are in the alien film?

Except that wasn't LV426, it was LV233, a totally different planet. Also, the Pilot Race ("Engineers") were too small - their upper arm was the size of a man in Alien.

LV-426 is the planet with rings, LV-223 is a moon that is orbiting it.


Errr, nope :)

The planetoid (orbiting the ringed giant) is codenamed LV-426 in Alien (re-read the link you posted), this moon - also a planetoid - is designated LV-223 in the shipboard graphics. Both were in orbit, but no mention is given as to whether or not it's the same ringed giant planet, though that is likely.

LV-223 vs LV-426

There is a lot of discussion about this anomaly on the internet at the moment. The Alien ship at the end ends up in the same position as that in Alien and there is the Queen who would lay the eggs (As opposed to a large chicken :lol: ) but this is a different moon/planet to the one in Alien. Also, there is no space jockey in the flight seat at the end.

Apparently Ridley scott said the ship on Alien was a brother ship that crashed while going to make a shipment to some place . Huh WTF

You know what, the movie was slow and very flat, there was no character exploration, you never got to even get to know any of them at all. Charlize Theron was in it almost to pretty the cast up. The story line has lots of holes in it etc etc. Actually reminded me of Sunshine a bit.

On the good side, the effects were good, the 3d wasn't to bad. I'm down grading my opinion to 6/10

My ranking of Alien Films

1) Aliens

2) Alien

3) Alien Resurrection

4) Prometheus

5) Alien 3 - Nah , just kidding, as we all know there was no Alien 3, it never happened :p
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I guess the thing with Alien 3 is not about it as a movie in itself. If the other Alien movies didn't exist , Alien 3 would be an ok movie. The reason people hate it is because of how it tried it's bloody hardest to destroy the whole Alien story line. It was as if the director had said FU to all the previous Alien movies then tried to destroy them .

Killing of Hicks , Newt and finally Ripley. Even the other directors of the previous Alien movies are on record as saying Alien 3 was a slap in the face to them and the movies they had produced.
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They had to kill off Newt (or get another young actress to play her - which I (and many fans) would have found worse), so that was pretty logical actually. Hicks wouldn't have been much cop on a planet without weapons and Ripley became a valuable asset to WY so had to die. Why should Ripley be in every Alien movie?

It's an alien movie - people die in alien movies. Alien 3 took the franchise back to true horror, rather than another gung-ho action flick that would probably have been regarded as worse than Aliens anyway. It was a difficult film to make (to try to please the fans) but I loved it.
Alien 3 is ok/normal for me, but Alien Resurrection is a true crap, I do have problems with movies that turn on the stroboscopic nite club lights whenever a monster shows up.
are u a big alien fan?

Not particularly, but I have a great fondness for one of the best films of my childhood. I do have a DVD box-set, but I'm no great fanatic.

LV-223 vs LV-426

There is a lot of discussion about this anomaly on the internet at the moment. The Alien ship at the end ends up in the same position as that in Alien and there is the Queen who would lay the eggs (As opposed to a large chicken :lol: ) but this is a different moon/planet to the one in Alien. Also, there is no space jockey in the flight seat at the end.

Apparently Ridley scott said the ship on Alien was a brother ship that crashed while going to make a shipment to some place . Huh WTF

What bugged me was the ending more than anything. We know that (all errors in size aside), the last of the pilot race was found chest-bursted in his seat at the navigation console in Alien, so this Engineer cannot be him - because he died in the lifeboat, not in his ship. This ties in with the assumption that this is not LV-426, as the atmosphere on LV426 was primordial, and LV-223 was not. There is not enough time between Prometheus and Alien for the atmosphere to degenerate that far - the terraforming effect was only local to the Engineer structure.

As for the Alien at the end - it was created by a human being, having gestated inside the womb of a human as a form of facehugger (though larger, it did the same job) which produced an alien from the Engineer. For the eggs in Alien to appear, one thing must happen now: that alien must escape LV-223 and get to LV-426 in order to lay those eggs in another Engineer ship. However, it's not onboard the ship that escapes, and the Engineers on LV-223 are long-dead now. If this is LV-426 and marked erroneously as LV-223 then the alien could conceivably just trot over to another ship elsewhere and start laying eggs.

This means that the sequel (this is the first of a trilogy after all) must address this issue. It's a real stretch though.

I do hope for a sequel as I quite enjoyed this film.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the film - it was just the glaring errors and internal inconsistencies that spoiled it for me. It's possible that it can be salvaged with a well thought-out sequel (and final in the trilogy), but after the enormous balls-ups they made in this one, I don't have much hope. Would have been better without the Alien connection, because taken as a stand-alone story, it's not bad.

Not great, but not bad.

Saw it today in a cinema.

Such a disappointment.

No scenario, seems they recruited the stupidest writer ever, one from "Lost".

Total lack of meaning, inconsistent, empty. A total failure for a so-called Alien prequel.

I now have the biggest fears for Blade Runner 2.

Of course i fear nothing from Prometheus 2 and 3 because there's simply nothing to expect but hollywood money making.