Prometheus - Alien Prequel out now~

Saw it today in a cinema.

Such a disappointment.

No scenario, seems they recruited the stupidest writer ever, one from "Lost".

Total lack of meaning, inconsistent, empty. A total failure for a so-called Alien prequel.

I now have the biggest fears for Blade Runner 2.

Of course i fear nothing from Prometheus 2 and 3 because there's simply nothing to expect but hollywood money making.

Awwwwww, I haven't seen it yet and hearing this makes me want to stay away from going to the movies to watch it. I might have to just wait for the BD release.
Remember how Lucas thrashed Star Wars with ep 1, 2 and 3 ?

Remember how Spielberg inflicted us Indiana Jones 4 ?

I have the same exact feeling right now.
I haven´t see it yet, but if they ´had´ to drink from the power of the original alien, be it to call a prequel or a call for fan money, it must be that the story dosen´t hold enough on its own. The fact that the creator of the original is running this, instead of creating a new film/ip then that is enough to sound strange and probably money making to me.

All this discussion is starting to make me feel like watching it...
Would have been better without the Alien connection, because taken as a stand-alone story, it's not bad.
That's the problem with numerous productions in various media, these days - quite a number of them would do better as stand-alone titles with no connection to anything else (and indeed, that would be better for the "ecosystem" as a whole, since it would make things less stagnant), and yet this ends up getting changed at some point in development in order to try to eke money out of fans of what's really some other franchise, seemingly on the assumption that "They'll think it's similar, anyway." or suchlike.
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I saw it. It was totally crap. I should have just waited to download it and not wasted my time. Serious disappointment.
Watched it last night after American Werewolf and Alien and it has to be said, it was freaking god awful and if I can stomach watching it again to spot and dissect exactly how awful, how much was badly rehashed from prior movies, how glaring the wasted opportunities and how full of propaganda and otherwise awful elements, cringeworthy effects, sets, editing, pacing, point or purpose then perhaps I shall. I was hoping for a pick me up and this is truly avoidable at best.
You know, it would've been highly amusing for me if this film had gotten good reviews across the board. Seeing out-of-context review quotes would've given me a laugh. :P
You know, it would've been highly amusing for me if this film had gotten good reviews across the board. Seeing out-of-context review quotes would've given me a laugh. :P

I guess it will be hard (but not impossible) for it to happen, I would be interesting in it too.

Movie bob has a bit of a biased opinion too, he does state those issues though, not quite on his usual faithfull review anyways.
I been hearing the same from a couple people I know.. was looking forward to it but decided I'll just catch it on DVD, still need to see Avengers on the big screen though before I miss that, priority over this film

American Werewolf.. in London not Paris, is in my top 5 films. Love that