C64 Toolbox 1.3.1
This package contains utilities to create, convert and manage multiple types of files
(PRG, D64, D81, CRT, SID, etc), compilers, a cruncher, an image viewer and more tools for
Commodore 64/128 and other 8-bit systems based on 6502/65C02.
Programs included:
64tass 1.51.943 - Open source compiler, mostly portable C with minimal dependencies.
Acme - ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments.
Audiotap 2.1 - Audiotap is a program for conversion between .TAP files and samples of Commodore tapes.
Alien Flash Alternative tools 1.0- Create and manage CRT files for Alien Flash Cartridge.
C64 Datasette tape utilities - A set of tools for handling tape images and converting between WAV audio files and tape images.
CC1541 - Tool for creating Commodore 1541 floppy disk images in d64, d71 format with custom sector interleaving, etc. Also supports extended tracks 35-40 using either SPEED DOS OR DOLPHIN DOS BAM-formatting.
CC65 2.15 - Complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems.
Covertbitops tools - d642prg and prg2d64.
Disk2EasyFlash 0.9 - Convert D64/M2I files to CRT.
Easp: Easy SVF Player, a simple USB JTAG programmer for FTDI FT245R.
Ef3Xfer - Transfer program for EasyFlash 3 Cartridge. Easyprog 1.7.0 on EF cart recommended.
Easy SDK tool - bin2efcrt.
Exomizer 2.0.9 - Cruncher/Decruncher
FuseCFS 1.8.3 - Tool to mount CFS filesystems.
Not Done EasyFlash tool pack - Create and manage CRT files for Easy Flash Cartridge.
PSID64 1.2 - Program that automatically generates a C64 self extracting SID tune executable from a PSID file.
Sidplayfp - Fork of SIDPLAY2, a C64 music player wich integrates the reSID SID chip emulation into a cycle-based emulator environment.
SIDreloc 1.0 - Program to relocate SID address memory.
TapClean 0.32 - TAPClean is a Commodore tape preservation / restoration tool. It will check, repair, and remaster Commodore 64 and VIC 20 TAP or DC2N DMP files.
View64 1.59 - C64 image file viewer, with support for +70 formats. SDL Version.
VICE 3.1 tools - c1541, cartconv and petcat
WavPRG 4.1 - A program which tries to extract binary data from Commodore tapes, and converts binary data into Commodore tapes.
See share/docs folder for info about licenses and READMEs.
- Initial release.
- Sources included in src folder.
- Fixed audiotap including missing libs.
- Added ef3xfer to transfer files for EasyFlash 3 via USB.
- Updated Exomizer to 2.0.9 version.
- ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments.
- Easy SDK tool: bin2efcrt.
- VICE project tools: c1541 and cartconv.
- Fixed prg2crt path.
- Easp: Easy SVF Player, a simple USB JTAG programmer for FTDI FT245R.
- TapClean 0.32: Commodore tape preservation / restoration tool.
- Updated sources and docs.
- Added fusecfs-1.8.2 (cfs011mount) tool to moun
t CFS partitions for IDE64 usage.
- Added PSID64 1.2 and removed PND from repo. Remember to move Songlengths.txt to appdata/c64toolbox.
- Updated sources.
- Added CC65 SDK.
- Added loaders folder inside lib folder for WAV-PRG.
- Updated View64 1.59.
- Fixed zenity size box, default config for View64.
- Updated sources.
- Updated FuseCFS to 1.8.3.
- Added programs: cc1541, sidreloc and Disk2EasyFlash 0.9.
- Updated: cc65 to 2.15 (latest git version 25/01/2017), VICE 3.0 tools.
- Added program: Sidplayfp, cycle accurate SID music player using libsidplayfp 1.8.7 library.
- Added menu options for view64 picture viewer and Sidplayfp, to see one file using a GUI file manager.
- Updated: VICE 3.1 tools, c1541, petcat and cartconv.

This package contains utilities to create, convert and manage multiple types of files
(PRG, D64, D81, CRT, SID, etc), compilers, a cruncher, an image viewer and more tools for
Commodore 64/128 and other 8-bit systems based on 6502/65C02.
Programs included:
64tass 1.51.943 - Open source compiler, mostly portable C with minimal dependencies.
Acme - ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments.
Audiotap 2.1 - Audiotap is a program for conversion between .TAP files and samples of Commodore tapes.
Alien Flash Alternative tools 1.0- Create and manage CRT files for Alien Flash Cartridge.
C64 Datasette tape utilities - A set of tools for handling tape images and converting between WAV audio files and tape images.
CC1541 - Tool for creating Commodore 1541 floppy disk images in d64, d71 format with custom sector interleaving, etc. Also supports extended tracks 35-40 using either SPEED DOS OR DOLPHIN DOS BAM-formatting.
CC65 2.15 - Complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems.
Covertbitops tools - d642prg and prg2d64.
Disk2EasyFlash 0.9 - Convert D64/M2I files to CRT.
Easp: Easy SVF Player, a simple USB JTAG programmer for FTDI FT245R.
Ef3Xfer - Transfer program for EasyFlash 3 Cartridge. Easyprog 1.7.0 on EF cart recommended.
Easy SDK tool - bin2efcrt.
Exomizer 2.0.9 - Cruncher/Decruncher
FuseCFS 1.8.3 - Tool to mount CFS filesystems.
Not Done EasyFlash tool pack - Create and manage CRT files for Easy Flash Cartridge.
PSID64 1.2 - Program that automatically generates a C64 self extracting SID tune executable from a PSID file.
Sidplayfp - Fork of SIDPLAY2, a C64 music player wich integrates the reSID SID chip emulation into a cycle-based emulator environment.
SIDreloc 1.0 - Program to relocate SID address memory.
TapClean 0.32 - TAPClean is a Commodore tape preservation / restoration tool. It will check, repair, and remaster Commodore 64 and VIC 20 TAP or DC2N DMP files.
View64 1.59 - C64 image file viewer, with support for +70 formats. SDL Version.
VICE 3.1 tools - c1541, cartconv and petcat
WavPRG 4.1 - A program which tries to extract binary data from Commodore tapes, and converts binary data into Commodore tapes.
See share/docs folder for info about licenses and READMEs.
- Initial release.
- Sources included in src folder.
- Fixed audiotap including missing libs.
- Added ef3xfer to transfer files for EasyFlash 3 via USB.
- Updated Exomizer to 2.0.9 version.
- ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments.
- Easy SDK tool: bin2efcrt.
- VICE project tools: c1541 and cartconv.
- Fixed prg2crt path.
- Easp: Easy SVF Player, a simple USB JTAG programmer for FTDI FT245R.
- TapClean 0.32: Commodore tape preservation / restoration tool.
- Updated sources and docs.
- Added fusecfs-1.8.2 (cfs011mount) tool to moun
t CFS partitions for IDE64 usage.
- Added PSID64 1.2 and removed PND from repo. Remember to move Songlengths.txt to appdata/c64toolbox.
- Updated sources.
- Added CC65 SDK.
- Added loaders folder inside lib folder for WAV-PRG.
- Updated View64 1.59.
- Fixed zenity size box, default config for View64.
- Updated sources.
- Updated FuseCFS to 1.8.3.
- Added programs: cc1541, sidreloc and Disk2EasyFlash 0.9.
- Updated: cc65 to 2.15 (latest git version 25/01/2017), VICE 3.0 tools.
- Added program: Sidplayfp, cycle accurate SID music player using libsidplayfp 1.8.7 library.
- Added menu options for view64 picture viewer and Sidplayfp, to see one file using a GUI file manager.
- Updated: VICE 3.1 tools, c1541, petcat and cartconv.
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