User Reviews Aggregation Thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
This was inspired by Zucadragon's "Review forum? (Should there be one?)" thread, and the posts therein by skeezix and Rygiz which suggested using a thread to collect links to all user reviews instead (much like "The system specific game recommendation thread list" does for classic games).

I've gone through all of the current user reviews that I could find - if I'm missing any, please let me know, and provide a link, and then I'll add it to this post.

Post picks and first impressions of your shiny new Pandora here! - A general impressions and reviews thread, started by Anihil8ion2199

My little Pandora review by ZXDunny

Keyboard layout review (so you can sleep well...) by cosurgi

I made a short Pandora review! by Barnaby

My Pandora review (Also posted on the other forum) by Phawx

Pandora Review (Finally have time to write this now that the battery is empty.) by Coldbird

Pandora - A Review (huss huss!) by Sugar_Kane

Small pandora review. (Number 2 ohh err) by Wrath of Khan

2011: A Pre-Orderer's Odyssey (a humble "review" of sorts) by David Bowman

A recount of our time together thus far (Review of my Pandora) by Kieroshark

Premium Pandora Review (from a Linux Newb) by SirDregan

Philosophical pandora review. (sit tight, and think realistically.) by cosurgi

Priceless episode at the office today (It's mine! My own! My precious! (EDITED with review)) by - Theo -

A Pandora review by a long-time owner by Prometheus

Impressions of 1 week with Pandora from N810 User by limxr

A Rambling Review of the Pandora after ~5 days of Incessant Tinkering by ozzyfreakdude

A Pandora Review by

Pandora review by

A review of the Pandora's sound and music capability. by BaDToaD

The mandatory review! (It arrived today!) by killchain

The Pandora Review by Notch

"7 days with Pandora's box" (My review) by Viking

New user, new Pandora, 1st impressions by Highlandyeti

7-days Pandora received - another story review (Review from Premium Pandora user) by Mitch75

Another queue jumper (Just ordered a premium) by Keppy

First impressions of my Pandy... mixed feelings... (pandora review) by scippie

my kinda-sorta OP review by aneuryzm

Open Pandora, two awesome weeks by Linux-SWAT

Virtual Perfection (It's finally here... and I'm blown away! =D) by FaeMinx

Pandora mini-review and some questions by Aethix

Another mini review... by Longnosedgoblin

YAPR (Yet another Pandora Review) by johnsongrantr

Figured we needed another review :) by Banjeed

Anyone interested in a Pandora re-review? (got my replacement unit yesterday!) by stouffa

Another Satisfied Customer (My replacement unit is a homerun!) by LuciferRising

Time for an Updated Review. (Got replacement unit.) by #1 GameMaster

My Pandora is a... Time Machine?! (A Review) by myownlittlworld by VoxMachina

My Pandora videos. by Wrath of Khan

My impressions of the Pandora by onpon4

1 month after, real impressions by JeFF

Yes, Another Pandora Review by SavageMind

Is it really? Yes, it is. Another Pandora review. by MisterAdrasteia

8 months later... a traveller's review by killchain

I finally have my Pandora by NeoG

Pandora handheld review by onpon4

De Pandora (Dutch) by bosbeetle
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^ Thanks very much. It's been added. :)


And I agree, this should be pinned
I agree that we should pin this thread (until such time as we get a review subforum, if we do) but there are so many pinned threads! A tidy up is in order, I think.
Prometheus, great idea and thank you for including my review. I honestly think this thread will help stem off some of the criticism that the team has been taking continuously since 2008.
I can't take credit for the idea - as I noted in the parent-post, it was suggested by posts by Zucadragon, skeezix, and Rygiz. :)

I just hope that it will prove to be handy. I'm adding them as and when I see them, now, so hopefully I won't end up missing any. I will also contribute one myself soon, from my current perspective.
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So mine is a bit old (1 month) and not as complete as some of the ones you're linked, but if you want more:
not to look like the bad guy, but there needs to be some negative reviews in there as well, otherwise it seems biased, wheres that wally guy? does he have a review?
not to look like the bad guy, but there needs to be some negative reviews in there as well, otherwise it seems biased, wheres that wally guy? does he have a review?
I agree completely. You don't look like "the bad guy" - balance is absolutely vital. I can only post what I can find, though, so if you know of any that aren't listed, please do provide links to them. :P
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I've read of a few problems or a different preference (design wise) but I honestly believe I've only read one less than stellar review and not on these forums. I can't recall an honestly negative review... Although if one exists it definitely should be included.

Edit: I do give a bad review though to the US Postal Service. 13 days, no Pandora, no trace of it's whereabouts. :angry:
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not to look like the bad guy, but there needs to be some negative reviews in there as well, otherwise it seems biased, wheres that wally guy? does he have a review?
I agree completely. You don't look like "the bad guy" - balance is absolutely vital. I can only post what I can find, though, so if you know of any that aren't listed, please do provide links to them. :P
thats the bad part, i cant for the life of me find one, many of them include a fault or two, but all in all, its a positive review, basically praising the damned thing