Update .. My Gp2x Has Arrived!

yeah the manual has some good Engrish in it. Better not shrub your eyes!


Careful with firmware though. Look at the LCD, colors and black level that you have on it now. If you upgrade to the newer one you may get a brighter but washed out colors with vertical faint lines.
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Looks okay now; fairly bright and good colour, but you can see the refresh or some shimmer in there; folks suggest that is more visible with 1.1 so I'm hesitant to flash -- I really don't care if the power light stays on :P 1.2 sounds promising, but I always update firmware a week after it comes outs -- thems the rules of survival ;)


I wrote a puzzle game a couple months back, as thanks to the golks who got me the gp2x.

I've got it ported already .. 2 hours work to get my zotlib framework ported over and voila.

Need to tweak it a touch, and add a screenshot function or the like so I can get a pic for folks .. but should have a first alpha tomorrow ;)

Well, its not working perfectly .. sorting out some sync issues with the screen and such, but hopig to post a shitty alpha tonight ;)

Looks okay now; fairly bright and good colour, but you can see the refresh or some shimmer in there; folks suggest that is more visible with 1.1 so I'm hesitant to flash -- I really don't care if the power light stays on :P 1.2 sounds promising, but I always update firmware a week after it comes outs -- thems the rules of survival ;)


The "shimmer" is the interlace. You notice it more if you move the unit up and down.

When you go to "t-mode" and select a black screen is it dark, as in slightly better than the BLU, or is it washed out? It should be pretty black with no vertical lines showing. If there is you may want to downgrade the FW.

Oh, and before you bric..I mean update your FW maybe you should get CaSTaway done first :ph34r: :P j/k

Oh and pick up some 2500 MAh or better rechargeable batteries. Alkalines are all but worthless in this power sucking SOB.
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Ahright, worked on my zotlib base for an hour, and futzed with Manticore for an hour.. it nearly works. Spent a third hour wondering why transmitting the zip to my webserver crashed my wifi router (!!) -- recompressing it makes it transfer fine, but the original zip crashes the router. Just something about that specific file.. very _weird_.

Anyway, I wouldn't normally post something this alpha-crappy, but I thought it'd be neat to show 2h porting job ;)

This is _not_ news, and I'll tell you why; but it does give you the idea :P


The website for the game is here: http://www.codejedi.com/manticore/

Crashes after first level, so you can't get to the good levels ;)
Doesn't have the onscreen buttons (bottom of screen is reserved for them) -- so no rewinging or undo or the like.

But it does run the first level :P

Maybe you can enjoy that ;)


I'll fix it tomorrow if I can, so you get the whole game.

This is the freebie gift game to all those who helped get me a gp2x ;) Well, it will be when it works and has the sound enabled, etc.

DaveC -- this is the game I need graphics for, btw; new backgrounds for the levels, new brick artwork for the walls and bricks, and new buttons and such. I'll fill you in maybe, don't sweat it yet.