Ahright, worked on my zotlib base for an hour, and futzed with Manticore for an hour.. it nearly works. Spent a third hour wondering why transmitting the zip to my webserver crashed my wifi router (!!) -- recompressing it makes it transfer fine, but the original zip crashes the router. Just something about that specific file.. very _weird_.
Anyway, I wouldn't normally post something this alpha-crappy, but I thought it'd be neat to show 2h porting job
This is _not_ news, and I'll tell you why; but it does give you the idea
The website for the game is here:
Crashes after first level, so you can't get to the good levels

Doesn't have the onscreen buttons (bottom of screen is reserved for them) -- so no rewinging or undo or the like.
But it does run the first level
Maybe you can enjoy that
I'll fix it tomorrow if I can, so you get the whole game.
This is the freebie gift game to all those who helped get me a gp2x

Well, it will be when it works and has the sound enabled, etc.
DaveC -- this is the game I need graphics for, btw; new backgrounds for the levels, new brick artwork for the walls and bricks, and new buttons and such. I'll fill you in maybe, don't sweat it yet.