Unofficial Openpandora/pyra Minecraft Server


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
Hello people! I have had the pleasure of whitelisting a couple of community members recently and would like to offer my server as an unofficial community minecraft playground.

If you would like to come have a look, you can checkout the servermap here:

PM me with your minecraft nickname and I will whitelist you on the server.

You can also join the lobby world (add as a server) and ask someone online to whitelist you, but you have to be lucky. We are only sporadically online.

Don't trust the player stats in your minecraft multiplayer menu, the number of players online always shows 0 right now (which sucks, something about my bungeecord setup is broken... need to fix this urgently).

######################## Server Info ######################################

Right now we are still on MC Version 1.11.2
I will roll out a new version soon...

- Bungeecord setup: We have a lobby server which you will join on entry. Connect to our main server by typing "/server spigot" once you are whitelisted
- Server has 20 slots right now
- Huge train system already in place and easily extendible (if you want to connect your base at some point)
- Server is actually a spigot build
- Lots of plugins to make life easier: worldedit, voxelsniper, worldguard, permissionsEx, craftinomicon, ChatControl Pro, PurpleIRC bridge (we are on #nexusinfra), MultiVerse, dynmap

######################## Player Ranks and Gameplay ########################

There are two ranks right now. Default players will play survival mode and builders are able to use creative mode and utilize worldedit/voxelsniper and worldguard to protect builds.

In survival mode, mobs are set to easy at the moment. Creeper explosions are disabled

If you are interested in creative mode, ask a mod to change your rank (and don't make us regret it ^^)

######################## Code of conduct ##################################

1. Have fun with each other
2. There is no censorship, but please refrain from flaming, trolling or spamming. If the mods feel you are just there to annoy, bans will be the consequence. Also note that there might be kids playing, so be rational.
3. We do not tolerate discrimination. A joke amongst friends is a joke amongst friends, but open racism, sexism or bullying will result in warnings and ultimately in a ban
4. If you would like to play PVP or stage a siege on someones base, please make sure both parties are consenting and arrange a set of lose rules (where is a PVP area that you can agree on, what may be destroyed and what must be spared, how long will the battle last, is it allowed to rig the other persons base with traps... you'll figure it out)
5. Respect what other people built! If you have an improvement for server structures or someone else's build, ask them before you do anything. When chosing a place where you want to build, have a look at the online maps first to make sure you don't start in someone's back yard.
6. Be rational. Redstone builds are welcome but think about performance if you are planning something bigger. If you are a builder with elevated permissions, try not to blow up the server by importing a huge blueprint (cut it apart in MCedit instead) or copy/pasting like a maniac.

######################## Commands to get you started #######################

"/server" gives info about what servers are online
"/server spigot" or "/server lobby" will connect you to the given server (spigot is our main world)
"/warps" lists all available warppoints
"/warp central_station" will teleport you to the server train station for example
"/setwarp warpname" let's you designate a warppoint (if you are in the Builders group). If you'd like to make a warp to your base, just ask an admin/Builder to do it.
"/mail read" let's you read your server mail
"/mail send playername message" sends a server mail to the given player, message can be longer than what is possible in chat
"/info" give some information on server structure and commands, you may find this interesting

######################## Screenshots #####################################

Will be added soon...

######################## Update log ######################################

- Nov. 19th 2017
Switched from "bungeecord" to it's fork "waterfall" to support forge server connection
fixed server tethering, now you can connect from the lobby to the forge server again!
- Nov 18th 2017
Forge updated to 1.12.2, Twilight Forest installed
Now running Twilight Forest 1.12.2, IndustrialCraft 1.12.2 and OpenComputers 1.12.1
- Nov. 16th 2017
Now running Minecraft 1.12.2 and all plugins, bungeecord etc. have been updated to their
latest versions

######################## Old post ########################################

Anyone interested in playing on a closed server? I have a root server, so modding and fiddling around is not a problem... mainserver is running spigot, in a bungeecord setup. I am trying to run a forge server on the side but noone has been interested to play there so far, so that needs to be looked into for more recent updates and stability if people want to connect with forge. Anyway, we really don't give a damn about gamemodes, so the spigot server is mostly played in survival mode but you are welcome to switch to creative and just build whatever. Everyone on board right now is from Germany, but they're all nice people who are able to speak in english just as well.

The server is configured with 20 slots atm, I can push that a bit further though. Server runs in a largepages setup (meaning on a RAM drive for ultra fast speeds) and we have yet to actually bring it to it's knees performance wise. So yeah, lag free huge MC.

EDIT: To combat further confusion: I am not looking for people who will be permanently online or anything, just people who want to play on occasion, too. I am happy as long as there is more people playing overall! Newbies are very welcome, we are open to new players all the time, bringing in our own friends to learn how to play.
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BUMP: Oh come on people! Really? Nobody answers? Either people stopped playing minecraft or nobody here likes me anymore :(
Sure, I'll add this to my list of servers I occasionally jump on to build something
okay, two people added to the whitelist. I wonder if I can get IngoReis into the project (I read that he has posted a similar topic on the German board with the idea to host an openhandhelds community server). Maybe we can tether our servers with bungeecord. I will pm him, no idea what kinda setup he is running.
If it keeps running by the time I finally have access to my gaming PC as opposed to my crappy netbook, then sure.

I guess I could try playing with the Pandora version... :P

My username on MC is the same.
okay I added Wally4000 and PokeParadox. Will pm you the server IP etc. cheers! Awesome to see some interest! 

@PokeParadox: the server will definitely stay online for some more years. I am pleased with the service of the hosting provider, they are good and active about security, rates are ok and uptime is nearly 100%. I am using the server for some sync and webhosting tasks, which I need for work. So I am not planning to abandon the MC Server at any time. Hehe the world also doesn't stop turning, if the people stop inhabiting it ^^.
Would love to. I too have been running a server since the alpha days.

Always happy to play with some peeps. directive0 is the name.

Hope I get to play with ya.
I go through waves of Minecraft excitement.  I won't play for months and then suddenly it's all I play, repeating the same task of collecting chest upon chest of redstone for the massive computing project I always say I'm going to build and then don't.

Sure, if it's ok I wouldn't mind stopping in for a bit.  Username "WizardStan", same as it is everywhere.  Or did I have a space in there, "Wizard Stan"? I can't remember now, it's been months since I last played. Eh, I'll figure it out later.

Do you do regular refreshes?  Whenever a new version is released or something so that you can get the new goodies without having to go further and further afield?
I will add you guys to the whitelist when I am back home, on the road at the moment.

@WizardStan I play like that, too! sometimes it takes a couple of weeks until I will get back into it. that's what I love about minecraft, you can take a break from it, then come back later and just pick up whereever you want without the game punishing you somehow.

yes we do regular updates, it depends of course on how quick the spigot code gets updated as well. since I am running bungeecord as a server nexus and spigot for an optimized and quick laggfree experience, I need to wait a little when a major update is out and check plugin compatibility etc. 
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I actually would like to try it out on the Pandora version. I've been having a lot of fun running vanilla MC locally, but would definitely try to join a server.


While I haven't played in a while, I'm interested in getting back into playing. I'd like to join!

If I recall correctly, my Minecraft username is minepow2.
Alright, all whitelisted so far. give me a shout if you have trouble connecting or anything. Hope to see you guys online in a bit!
I just logged in on my Pandora today. My Optifine install apparently could be updated. Even still, with all the bells and whistles turned down and my unit clocked to 1200MHz, playing on the server was pretty great. I was getting 1-10 FPS while in the starting areas and 10-20 FPS once I ventured off into an undeveloped territory, and 20-40 FPS once I started mining. Times when loading occurs definitely slow down the Pandora a lot (sometimes to 1-2 FPS), but it seems like it will run perfectly well for me to find an undeveloped jungle area and start building my fort.

Thanks for letting us join!
yeah thank you guys for joining! had a fun time chatting with FelixNemis on saturday. I need to look into a couple of things, hopefully I'll have time tomorrow. There are some permission problems apparently, as FelixNemis was not able to read chat or see his own messages at first. I had to OP him to get it working.

how was it for you edgex004? any problems with the chat? was there even someone else online?

glad to hear, that performance on the pandora is decent!

we have also started to translate all the signs but there is still some work to do like translating the motd and stuff like that.
Oh sorry, I did send a pm to you, don't know what happened but will send it again. I seem to be having a lot of trouble with the new forum software on my mobile phone. Drives me nuts. I wish there was a way to view sent messages.