Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

I'll see what I can do about getting a few interviews done. Wandor's looking good by the way, keep it up :D .

EDIT: I totally forgot to thank you for the thanks, most of it (99.99%) is for Gruso, he's what keeps PandoraPress alive.
Ioquake3 engine working:

Pickle said:
I came across this news posting:

This basically the same hardware we have for pandora. Well i thought i try it, can always use another quake3 engine ;-)
And its running, needs some work on controls for the pandora. But everything seems to work, videos included.

This is probably very good news to those working on that dragonball z game too.
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Butterman said:
I'll see what I can do about getting a few interviews done. Wandor's looking good by the way, keep it up :D .

EDIT: I totally forgot to thank you for the thanks, most of it (99.99%) is for Gruso, he's what keeps PandoraPress alive.

Thanks :) I will definitely do so, but I also have a great team who is working on it while I cannot (like these days)
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No case photos until thu/fri :(

EDIT: HA! In your face, peca! :)
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MWeston said:
The cases won't be here until Thurs/Fri at best. We've got some really bad weather here right now which is shutting down a lot of services and China didn't ship exactly when they said they would (shocking I know!).
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peca said:
MWeston said:
The cases won't be here until Thurs/Fri at best. We've got some really bad weather here right now which is shutting down a lot of services and China didn't ship exactly when they said they would (shocking I know!).
That's awesome
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MWeston said:
I have no idea what has been going on in China since the 15th. They only email me when something is wrong and only answer me on Skype when something is done or if something is wrong. It's a real treat.

The good news is that I was told these have a final finish and silk screening all according to my last review. They also promise to pump out as many cases as possible before their holiday so we can satisfy at least those who ordered first, maybe more.

...maybe, maybe, maybe... yeah I'm sick of that too
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ED said:
Nur kurz mehr Infos dazu:
Die Chinesen sprechen im Normalfall nur mit Fatih - und der war die komplette letzte Woche in Dubai unterwegs.
Unser letzter Stand war also, dass sie am 15. abgeschickt werden sollten - deswegen hatten wir auch vermutet, dass sie letzte Woche ankommen sollten.
Fatih ist seit Freitag wieder im Lande und hat sich gleich drum gekümmert.

Die Chinesen waren mit dem Gehäuse noch nicht 100%ig zufrieden - und sie wollen uns kein weiteres kleines Zwischenabnahme-Gehäuse schicken, sondern eines, von dem sie selber der Meinung sind, es wäre tip top in Ordnung.
Dieses Gehäuse ist nun gegossen worden und sollte auch Montag verschickt worden sein. Einen Blogpost mit den gleichen Infos habe ich vorbereitet - den gebe ich aber erst frei, wenn ich das sicher weiß und Fotos von den Chinesen sowie eine Trackingnummer habe.
Diese wird dann auch öffentlich gepostet, so dass jeder den Weg der Gehäuse verfolgen kann.

Es klingt also nun wirklich nach grünem Licht. Die Chinesen bereiten auch schon alles auf unser Okay vor - und wollen die Produktion der Gehäuse noch vor dem Neujahr fertig versendet haben.

Und das hoffen wir jetzt auch endlich mal! Wenn wir vorher gewußt hätten, wie sehr die Chinesen da einen Hickhack drum machen, hätten wir vielleicht einen Kredit aufgenommen, und die Gehäuse woanders produzieren lassen (der Preisunterschied, für die, die es interessiert: In China zahlen wir ca. 20.000 USD für die Gußformen, jede andere Firma, bei der wir angefragt haben, war bei minimum 130.000 USD. Ein Preis, den wir uns nicht leisten konnten).
Gottseidank haben wir ausser den Gehäusen nichts in China produzieren lassen.

Na, hoffen wir mal auf das Beste. Dieser letzte Schritt muss doch gehbar sein!

A quick and dirty translation(it's late and I've got to go to bed). I've left out the last paragraph, as it's not important, imo.
The Chinese usually only talk to Fatih - he was in Dubai the last week.
So our latest info was, that the cases should be sent on the 15th - thus we thought they would arrive last week.
Fatih is back since last Friday and he immediately took care of the issue.

The Chinese weren't 100% happy with the cases yet - and they didn't want to send another intermediate review case, instead they wanted to send one that they think is perfectly ok. This case has been made now and should have been sent on Monday. I've prepared a blog post with these infos - I won't post it before I'm sure, have pictures and a tracking number. This number will be posted publicly so everyone can track those cases.

It really looks like it could be green lighted soon. The Chinese are preparing everything right now - and want to send the MP cases before the Chinese New Year.
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Thanks guys, and thanks Butterman for taking up the slack in my sleepy hours!

Protip: <address> instead of <em> for author name. ;) (Maybe it's nearly time for a new blog theme that does this for us...)
Thanks again.

Methinks that post is one quote too many now ;)

Protip: <address> instead of <em> for author name.
(Maybe it's nearly time for a new blog theme that does this for us...)

Plz plz plz plz plz.

Also. This. needs to be fixed.
This is excellent.

mali said:
Und das hoffen wir jetzt auch endlich mal! Wenn wir vorher gewußt hätten, wie sehr die Chinesen da einen Hickhack drum machen, hätten wir vielleicht einen Kredit aufgenommen, und die Gehäuse woanders produzieren lassen (der Preisunterschied, für die, die es interessiert: In China zahlen wir ca. 20.000 USD für die Gußformen, jede andere Firma, bei der wir angefragt haben, war bei minimum 130.000 USD. Ein Preis, den wir uns nicht leisten konnten).
Gottseidank haben wir ausser den Gehäusen nichts in China produzieren lassen.

Na, hoffen wir mal auf das Beste. Dieser letzte Schritt muss doch gehbar sein!

A quick and dirty translation(it's late and I've got to go to bed). I've left out the last paragraph, as it's not important, imo.

Yes, it's also late here, and I've also got to go to bed, but:

If we'd known in advance that the Chinese would mess around like that, we might have get a refund(?) and get the cases produced elsewhere (The price difference, for those interested: We pay 20.000 USD for the moulds in China, but every other company we asked wanted 130.000 minumum. A cost we couldn't afford). Thank god that we only had the cases produced in China.

Well, we're hoping for the best. We should be able to make this last step!
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The molds cost way, way more than $20k and that doesn't even factor in the several keymat and A/V cable molds. Wow, maybe if it was only $20k we could have just told them to F off and went somewhere else. Unfortunately we must stay in bed with the devil we know.
It is? Hm, then that was my mistake, I thought I read that somewhere... maybe it was the cases, not the moulds.