Ubuntu Mobile Internet Device (mid) Edition

It would probably run off an SD card and since the hardware is uniform, someone can make an image that works on all pandoras without any fiddling about.
Prometheus said:
Don't know if this counts, but Handhelds Mojo already provides several ARM recompiles of various Ubuntu versions. You can see one (I seem to recall reading somewhere that the version used here was "Frisky Firedrake" - so basically Feisty Fawn for ARM - although I can't seem to find where this was said, now) running on the Beagle Board in this video. :P

Yes, but like I said before, their repositories lack most of Ubuntu Mobile, not to mention Hildon which is the base for Ubuntu Mobile.
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M&D Cheese said:
if it does run ubuntu, will it be automatically installed or dosbox or what?
you really don't know what you are talking about, do you?
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M&D Cheese said:
PoisonedV said:
M&D Cheese said:
if it does run ubuntu, will it be automatically installed or dosbox or what?
you really don't know what you are talking about, do you?

not really. i acutally joined today

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OK, enough. We know he is a moron and you're a dick. Can we get back to the topic at hand?

Ubuntu is not likely to be pre-loaded for the Pandora. That being said, we know for a fact that it will be possible to load it onto the Pandora via an SD card.

Also, although the Pandora will be pre-loaded with certain programs and likely build up a basic easy install type of setup later on, it's true power will not be seen to people who are not willing to get technical with linux. It is highly unlikely that Pandora will be as easy to use and intuitive as something like the iPhone or Symbian. It is likely to be much closer in a manner of speaking to a Windows Mobile Device. Only people who are willing to get technical, change settings, play with new programs, etc. will get the full Pandora experience. This is the very nature of a device like this.

So to people who are completely oblivious, spend some time. Read the forums, faqs, google things, and develop a base of understanding that will not make you look like a babbling idiot. You're far more likely to get an intelligent response to an intelligent question then an idiotic one, answerable by a few minutes of google.
Megamixman said:
M&D Cheese said:
Ubuntu is being pre loaded on pandora. i read an article on it on the front page of openpandora.com
this is it.

Ok, you really are a dunce. How does 'will run' translate to 'will be preloaded with'? Can we honestly get a minimum IQ requirement? At least the ability to read?

just when i start to attempt to be nicer, it suddenly becomes ok to be a dick?
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