Balzac2m said:
Thunder: Where's your avatar from?
It's from Movie-Moron.Com, it's at Funny Gifs. (Or Animated Gifs at the side)
Just adding, if the question refers to the actual clip being shown it's from the Swedish movie Kopps
useless trivia
If Ubuntu is considered for Pandora might benefit to talk to the guys actually making the ARM version, also contacting Canonical and see if it can't peek their interest?
Their goal is to reach as many people as possible, they are growing and aiming for new markets already, they might be willing to put some effort in to helping development for Pandora, both out of technical view point since they would get edge tech gadget to experiment with and see the limitations and possibilities and also a marketing view point since Pandora already has some good press and isn't even in production yet.
Not taking in to consideration that geeks, gadget freaks and most gamers like shinny new tech toys and hail underdogs and open source and that will give good press world wide to target demographics for both products.
So it would be a win / win if they found it worth their efforts to put their ARM development in to Pandora.