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Package Selection and System Defaults
Hardware Compatibility
Linaro 11.05 release is scheduled for 2011-05-28
Package Selection and System Defaults
Linaro will create a new ARM-targeted "developer" image. This image will be a strict superset of the currently produced headless image, to reduce maintenance, and will include developer tools and other useful packages generally interesting/useful to ARM developers.
Linaro Multimedia Team investigate options to optimize jpeg decoding transparently on ARM systems that have a NEON unit and hardware support
Linaro Graphics Team will work on optimizing runtime behaviour on ARM for vector graphic libraries like cairo, skia, but also toolkits like qt by automatically selecting the best backend and using NEON units were possible
The Linaro Graphics Team will continue its work on improving availability direct rendering support for graphics on the various ARM SoCs
The Linaro Multimedia Team will work on improving support for ARMs low-power mode when using pulseaudio; this will involve investigating adding smart alsa-sink buffer tuning while still ensuring that real time events will not get delayed
The Ubuntu ARM team will make GLES 2.0 the default GL standard used for applications and tookits in the ubuntu archive that support it
The Linaro Multimedia team will further optimize the ffmpeg AAC and VP8 software codecs for ARM such that it leverages NEON and multi-core support available in modern ARM hardware
NEON/Vectorizer Direction
Improve boot-time performance on ARM, from power-on to user-space
Improve Memory Footprint for ARM
Hardware Compatibility
The Linaro team will be working on several hardware related tasks including
* ARM Power Management
* ARM BSP Managment
* ARM Root file system on FLASH
* ARM Kernel Standard Architecture
* ARM Kernel Device Tree
Providing a hardfloat-enabled ARM port
Linaro 11.05 release is scheduled for 2011-05-28