tv out video issues


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I have some issues with the TV-out It works very nicely however when I want to display a movie I play with panplayer it stops displaying it (audio does work) coulld it be that this is not supported

but the bigger problem is that even when I disable the TV-out the movies don't display on the pandora itself anymore, this is 'solved' by resstarting. I guess some layer gets disabled or something is there a way to enable this layer again, or even better display it through the tv out.

(this was on a original pandora, running superZaxon 1.60)

edit: already solved it by using panplayer2 :P
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Almost none of the media players support the TV out from what I see and I found many like gnome-mplayer would stop displaying video after enabling the TV out.. it took a full reflash to get it working again.. Personally I haven't played with Panplayer in a while.. it could work if you use the HW Scaler layer mode. 

The only player I know that work well with TV out is SMPlayer2, it also happens to be the best player IMO..  That will need to be switched to HW Scaler mode to output to the TV.  Also if your TV is 4:3 I found that you need to play the video in a window for it to retain it's aspect ratio on the TV..

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