Turbo Grafx deal

Not a bad deal, although a real collector would rather have a PC-Engine instead of a Turbo Grafx.
not necessarily, i'm a real collector and I'd be more than happy with a turbo graphix 16 since its the same thing. But i'm not willing to pay that much money for it right now. I'm still waiting to pick up a cheap one at a garage sale or flea market.
since its the same thing

But the Turbo Grafx only plays USA software, while the PC-Engine let's you play all the fun japanese titles. And Turbo Grafx convertors aren't the most reliable on the planet (if you can get hold of one) ;)
even better, i'd like to pick me up a Turbo Duo. but even on ebay those are pretty expensive, maybe i'll get lucky when flea market season starts up again in the spring. :P

I purchased one of these from Raven Games & they neglected to mention the fact that it only runs at 50Hz.

The other 2 key issues are:

1. The Console will only play Turbo Chips - these are the US name for Jap Hu Cards. However, these will only play at 50Hz, not the intended 60Hz.

2. If you are able to get a convertor (which you should as there are only a handfull of US games available) it will not function correctly. Games like Devil Crash, Bomberman '94, Chase HQ etc either do not work or have major graphical Glitches. Once again, this is due to the fact that these games are intended to be played at 60Hz; the PAL Turbo Grafx can only manage 50hz.

Hope this helps
If you're a 'collector' and this is a real PAL Turbo, then YES, it is definitely worth it.. the 'official' PAL Turbo Grafx 16 was very rare and got almost no support from NEC or Hudson and hence doesn't appear very much.

If you just want to play the hundreds of PCE/TG16 games, then a US Turbo Duo is the way to go - plays all US/Jap CD games, native US hucard games, and with the aid of a convertor (http://www.tzd.com) will play all Jap hucard games.

Once you've got one, then get a white or grey PC-Engine (Core Grafx / Grafx II), to play the few final Jap games which won't run on the US system, or only with Jap bios cards. Plus, they're dinky and look so cool!

PS. I've got the 'cheap' green diving board convertor, and it plays all my Jap games fine (including SF2 CE), on both my Turbo Duo, and my Turbo Express.