Really? I can think of a quick way to make it detachable

Then I'm interested, but only if you can attach it again when you need it.
Can you show some pictures of the cradle with that part detached? :blush:
It was kind of a joke, see my sig (it used to say BoB sucks btw).
I would attack it with a knife, a hacksaw, a hammer and/or garden shears (where did I put those?)
Seriously though, if it is a separate piece of plastic, then you can remove it, simply find out where it is attached and remove that mechanism, or loosen it until you can remove the "cradling" part.
I would much rather design my own, speaking of which, who has seen the really nice USB integrated into an EXT connector?
If I cared I would be designing and selling internal modification to USB, unfortunately I am a bit turned off by GP at the moment, maybe in a few weeks or months I might feel differently.
It would probably cost the same as the Commercial Bob for me to offer a mod, and a GP is pretty darn light if you wanted to ship it to get the mod done. As I say, no plans for it, but if I did do it I would have a real USB termination IC, most likely on a PCB, not the crappy stuff seen in the Hackaday mod.
Bonus this way is that you wouldn't even need the BoB except for Jtag and Serial, I could put A/V out through the headphones jack (most likely on a mk1, unsure about mk2).
I wish I wasn't so (Aaaagh!) right now, a combination of lethargy and stress, I am excited and apathetic at the same time.
I basically need to sell my Mk1 (with rechargeables, case, and an SD card, 1gb or 2gb, can't remember) and my PSP (with open firmware 3.30, will boot an iso right from memstick menu), and my projector, and some DVD players I got on ebay for real cheap and repaired.
Take my computer demonstration final with my 3D monitor setup (using polarized light I can make each eye see a different monitor, 1280x1024 17" x2, and then using the nvidia driver I can play Oblivion in 3D!!), either sell that, or get it made with steel instead of the old 2x4's I hacked it together with.
Take my PC Repair Final, put the engine and trans back in my car, get an engine for my friends car and put it in, get a trans for my third car and put it in, sell some of the cars, get a job, and finish building my PC, possibly sell that.
So, if any of that clears up (Edit: forgot to add, my shower is out because "the bathroom needed to be redone", maybe it did, but why always during finals, hmm? So it is cold showers in the hose out back, ICK!) and I get a MK2 to prototype the internal setup of USB and learn how to make PCB's. or design and order some, then I can start making an internal USB Host socket as a service, or a kit, but that would be a bad idea for at least half of the GP owners who don't know which end of a soldering tool to hold.
Finally, and most importantly, The USB support is just not there, I really got disgusted with the whole thing about 2 months ago when a PC Linux port of a game with Keyboard support natively had no keyboard support on the GP2X (Descent, you know who you are), and Sterm had a non-functional number keys and shift key (please tell me how to navigate and work on a shell in a case-sensitive OS without any shift key, let alone add a modifier to a command).
So, I may have already been hard at work on the USB stuff, if it wasn't for the lack of support.
Ironically as much as I hate the BoB and GPH's attitude, the Bob will probably single-handedly get USB support moving. I had USB going the middle of last year, but support just sucks as bad now as it did then.
Imagine a Targus Mini-mouse plugged right into a GP next to the SD slot, pretty cool no?