Triple Triad X First Public Beta Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Sephnroth released a first public Beta of Triple Triad X, the famous FF8 card game combined with some RPG flavor in the form of Miniquests :)


It's still heavily Work in Progress, so expect lots of bugs :)
There are already some known bugs in there. Feel free to post any other ones you find here :)

No sound yet, but it basically should be working.

Download: Triple Triad X
Paradox posted on Jul 18 2006 at 01:07 AM said:
not like a mod to double post some news

Oh well, I didn't know Sephnroth was going to post it in the news section, too. I thought he'd just post in the General Section ;)

Well, anyways, my post has a screenshot, so it's still useful :)
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great, we're heading the good way, more dupes on a news site is a sign of increasing importance, way to go guys! ;)
Finaly someone have begun to create an old ff style rpg :D

Anyway i don't know if it's a bug or my batteries, but the whole screen flickers with a black stripes (and large and slow onece at that).
The lines of random blackness stops whenever i talk to someone, often causing me not to see the conversation.

Im still on FW1.2.1, could that be the problem?

If you want to see what i mean pm me and ill send you a tvout capture.
Man, the game is great, but i found a bug:

when you duel with the old me that is near a lake, you can se his cards.

and i have some suggestions:
couldnt you make the sprites corners (in the houses, for example) a little sharper?
please, add the classic "scroll one page with L/R" in the shops :)
Draken posted on Jul 18 2006 at 09:35 PM said:
Perhaps because of the Open rule?
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Impressive engine, but it ought to do more on the GP2x hardware. Needs better artwork of course.

This is nevertheless a cool, well done scrolling 2D engine.
Somewhat unstable for me.
Creating the character, scrolling around at the designs multiple times ( from left to right and back ), it crashed and after that I wasn't able to select a menu item. I'm reinstalling it right now. Oh, and I've looked at the cards in the graphic files, aren't there better versions of them avaible? Vector redrawn versions or something?