Triple Triad Possible?

Okay, my first efforts....
the real work is to make the image white or black-free so you can apply the alpha channel easily, or does anyone know another way to do so? One way is convolcing...
The image shown is 90x110, as I said, I highly suggest using this resolution and rather scaling down ingame as it shouldnt cost too much processor...
I've just seen that you can even recognize most things on x55... you just can't guess the "3"... I will see how it looks on my gp2x...

Blue Satyr55:

Blue Satyr:

EDIT: Well, I'm gonna redo the numbers for the actual card, just tell me what you think about the design... Thanks ;D
yeah, thats good :D. what i usually do to get rid of white bits is, as you said, select continuous bits, and clear them. then i zoom in close, and as quickly as possible rub out all the wrong coloured pixels. its time consuming at first but with practice you learn to distinguish colours which add to the image and colours which make that jaggedy line. also, i would recommend making your numbers white, or having a strong white border. and a border for the element would also help, just so you can see everything at a glance.

as for me, things are going swimmingly! ^_^ its really satisfying once you get into the swing of things. i'm just looking forward to having a filename of 094.png or something, as opposed to 003.png.. then i will really have made progress. hopefully ill pull a late one tomorrow and do lots on saturday, and get a big chunk out of the way while i dont have TOO much work.

anyway, enough rambling. good luck all on your respective projects..
Nice work both of you, both the cards look great :)

I dont know about scaling the images down just yet. All i know is that the game is running slow as hell on the gp2x atm, but im convinced it will be fine when im using hardware accelerated SDL libs. I hope! T_T

I've discovered where the problem is in npc collision, its to do with the custom sqrt() im using in distant formula's, gp2x doesnt like it much. thats next job.

first thing though.. hardware acceleration please!
just compiled with the sdl hw libs - except for the X and Y buttons magically swapping places (x_X) everything has gone smoothly and its running at a perfectly acceptable speed :) thats a load off my mind, now to get back to the engine core :)
just compiled with the sdl hw libs - except for the X and Y buttons magically swapping places (x_X) everything has gone smoothly and its running at a perfectly acceptable speed :) thats a load off my mind, now to get back to the engine core :)

good good! really great work. i'll hopefully be getting a nize sizeable chunk of the cards done tonight.. looking forward to it in fact ;)
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OK, I remade the font, will post the new design soon.. I also just finished by lvl calculations so every card gets the right border and I can easily assign the lvl if someone asks me ;D. Will go hunting pictures now and edit+post efforts ;D


Blue Satyr Trickster with blue background... Lives in the shadows and got rather dangerous hoofs and cornets ;D, but he can bite aswell ;)

Please tell me what you think about the new-stlyed font and the blue background. I wanted to keep the backgrounds simple and clear... or should I rather made more eye-candy ones?
looking forward to seeing what happens, subin :)

very nice racoon! only possiable thing i could suggest is to make the lettering a bit brighter in its center? It looks like it has a black outline which is fine but between the outline appears to be gray which merges with the picture alot (especially the top of the 2) - you may find it clearer if you make the center white :)

I got alot of bug fixing done last night but today i havnt been feeling too good and spent most of the day under a blanket somewhere - i'll see if i can get the energy together to do some more coding later :)
Here is my possibly last update for today....
Well, I was occupied all the time with doing stuff for tripletriad, but that was mostly concept and figuring out, AND fiddling around lots with these fonts ><...
Now I know at least on which factors my value-distribution depends and I also calculated the level for each card dependant from the overall value ;D. (got the information from the TTA cards)
Values: Very suitable way for fantasy cards:
Upper value: Magic
Left Value: Strength/Power
Right Value: Defense/Stamina
Lower Value: Agility

If it starts getting unbalanced I will just drop these thoughts ;D.
Finally, my new card, the Scarlet Priestress:
EDIT: Optimized the "2" and other numbers (pic uses old "2") further so you should -really- be able to decipher them now... even if it doesn't really ressemble the WoW folkard font anymore, it's custom at least ;D.
You now can even decipher all values in the lowres-version, but she is even more beautifull.... her full grace:

looking good racoon! :)

i managed to finish the whole of level one, and most of them look pretty good! the sheriff and topi look a bit weird because theyre pixellated and enlarged a lot, but not that bad. retro charm, methinks. :D
looking good guys!

racoon, that princess is awesome :D Quality work ^^
subin, really like the sound of how yours is shaping up, looking forward to it! :D

you have both put me to shame today ^^ I decided to "take the day off", hehe. I haddnt left my house all week and was really anxious to get some social in so i switched off the pc, grabbed my 2x and headed out and chilled with friends n what not.

Showed off triple triad x running on my 2x and people seemed to like it :) slight nasty bug cropped regarding performing actions but nothing too serious.

Just been messing around, downloading new games and playing stuff on my 2x tonight, its nice to actually play it instead of fighting with the hardware for a change xD Anyway, will continue TTX tomorrow or possiably later on tonight (yes i know its nearly 5am but wth) if the fancy takes me :)
Another update from me....
I made LOTS of pictures ready today so its only a matter of applying border, element and numbers which isnt really hard... so now I got more than 30 images ready, most in quite good quality ;D. I made some cards yesterday aswell, and this here is my most recent card (one of my favorite Warcraft characters, mysterious and powerful!):

For Pandaria!!!

looking awesome, racoon :) cant wait to see a finished deck :)

so far i have made auto loaders for npcs and decks. I cant figure out why the game is having issues with button presses on the gp2x but its fine with keystrokes on windows, but im working on it. Also started work on a menu system with which to start the game, etc. i'll keep you informed :)
well im about half way through level 2.. but i realised i put captain olimar from pikmin in level 2, and pikmin themselves at about level 5 o_O .. because pikmin are more well-known. could i get a second opinion on this please?

edit: alright, just finished level 2. im not sure about a lot of the card values, i think they're a bit too powerful in terms of distribution among the 4 directoins.. but oh well :P
well im about half way through level 2.. but i realised i put captain olimar from pikmin in level 2, and pikmin themselves at about level 5 o_O .. because pikmin are more well-known. could i get a second opinion on this please?

edit: alright, just finished level 2. im not sure about a lot of the card values, i think they're a bit too powerful in terms of distribution among the 4 directoins.. but oh well :P

I will make some more images ready (about 5) and then I will likely create a spreadsheet where I enter all values and so on so I get a really balanced deck.... if I really get this done I might send it to you (just tell me if .odt or not ;D)
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I will make some more images ready (about 5) and then I will likely create a spreadsheet where I enter all values and so on so I get a really balanced deck.... if I really get this done I might send it to you (just tell me if .odt or not ;D)

rofl, thanks, but its alright. i dont want it TOO balanced. :lol:
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Are you sure? I'd give it away for free ;P

I just made it... Lets you enter the cardname and element and it sums up the directions for each level as well as the overall value, I also calculated the "should-be" value based on my observation for each level and overall. Also includes a Total section where you see the levels in comparision and summed up... I think it will be very handy, but if you don't want ;P ;D.
you guys are doing great jobs, keep it up ^^

If there are any other spare artists out there.. I REALLY NEED TILESETS T_T

things are shaping up quite nicely enginewise and in the near future i would like to release an open beta for win32/linux/gp2x (yes all 3 if i can) - but i dont want to push out the engine with the borrowed tileset if i can manage it.

i started work on my own - i can draw to a certain standard, but pixel art is not my fortay. Everyone i showed it too said "not bad." "will do the job" "fine for what it is" etc, which is better than "ungh, how ugly" but not really the response i was after xD So I need someone to either a) make me a set from scratch (i can provide specifications and what i exactally need tiles of if you ask) OR B) to take the one i've done and "prettify it" >.>;

Thanks all.

You heard him, we need someone who can draw nice tilesets, please ;D. Or someone who knows a good free source ;)

I have about 60 images ready, still lots to do, when I'm finished I will balance out the values and afterwards create the actual deck completely. I am not here next week but I will try to do that as quickly as possible ;).

EDIT: Sephnrot, have you already decided if you want to implement a downscaling support for the ingame and let the player view the "fullres" version in a gallery or win/lost or whatever dialogue? (please, the images look much better on 90x110 !! ;) )
EDIT: Sephnrot, have you already decided if you want to implement a downscaling support for the ingame and let the player view the "fullres" version in a gallery or win/lost or whatever dialogue? (please, the images look much better on 90x110 !! ;) )

yeah, and i've blindly made quite a few cards in 90x110 already :(

as for tilesets.. i really don't know anyone who would be willing to do it. i'm sorry. i would offer to do it myself but i know how long pixel art takes to do, and i'm not very good xD
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hey guys - sorry about being a bit silent over last day or two :)

rather than getting better, this lil bug thing i appear to be suffering from has gotten worse :/ Spent pretty much all day yesterday in bed and my sleep patterns are all over the place due to it. Still pretty manky right now, preventing me from going out and what not. However whenever i'm feeling intelligent enough to speak and have the strength to pull myself out of bed i have been infront of the pc wrapped up in my blanket doing lil bits and bobs to TTX.

Go ahead and make big versions of the cards - im still not sure if i will use them big in game and scale them down (so far i dont appear to have FPS to spare, but if i optimise things and figure out how to use the hardware scaler then yes, maybe) but even if I dont thats fine, I have a photoshop batch script saved that will convert a directory of cards into the size I require so even if i dont use big cards I can convert them with 2 mouse clicks and still have the option of using the big version later.

I'm also planning a ragnarok online deck :) Whilst ill and in bed i've been randomly sorting ragnarok monsters and classess into a 1-10 level system so later on I can see about making the actual cards.

Anyway, the latest progress on ttx:

I cant remember if i said this but I managed to work out all bugs to do with automated npc loading and whatnot on the gp2x. I dont hardcode npc loading anymore, the engine searches the npc subdir of a map folder when its loading the map and inserts the npc according to their data. Anyone could add their own npc to a map simply by shoving the npc data file (simple ini structure) into the folder - so people making new decks may in the future supply an npc pack with their decks which inserts npc's that use only their special cards so you can win them instead of only buying them. Pretty snaz, will probably end up writing an npc editor to make the process easier.

I finally got around to adding something i shoulda done ages ago: map scrolling xD I used a camera based system where npc's, players and the map are now drawn based off the position of a global camera. This is pretty cool because it means i can manually set the camera coordinates for funky things if i ever fancy scrolling the camera away from the player for any reason. The obvious situation to use that in is part of some sort of npc trigger where it sends the camera off to look at something you need to get to or whatever.. but.. ungh, triggers, actions, scripts, NO! I wanted to keep this simple xD But I can see me caving in and adding some sort of trigger/entity system more complex than just npc's in the future -_-

I worked on my tileset a little more. Yah yah, im no great pixel artist but i have had absolutly no responses to my calls for an artist on this forum or in chat channels so for now we'll have to make do with what i can manage. I guess if i get a fun game together then maybe someone will start caring enough later down the line to take my tileset and simply edit it a little, keeping the tiles the same but looking nicer, which would update every single map i made with that set.

Heres a couple of screenshots:
screenshot a
screenshot b

I think it will do for now. I also render the player in a more intelligent way now, basically making him belong to one of the tile map layers. So now there is a sense of ordering with the player (rather than hes just "on top of everything") and he can do things like walk infront of the tree and obscure it but also walk behind the tree and be obscured BY it. Pretty neat.

I'll keep you updated :) If responses are still slow then my apologies, im still spending alot of time in bed ^^;