"touch Book" Omap3 Based Tabled/netbook

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Still Fresh
Feb 8, 2006
The Netherlands, Amsterdam
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A very interesting product is coming out soon. It is more a combination of a Tablet and Netbook ARM based computer. A product that might soon suite the Pandora-design-haters more. But also for the pro-Pandora users this is good news for the software development on the ARM-Linux devices. The Touch Book has a OMAP3 processor by TI, it is the same processor that our Pandora uses.

I'm not sure if this is posted or not, I did a quick search without any hits. So enjoy the link :rolleyes: :

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Why can't you people just refresh the forum every 1 minutes [sic] and obsessively read every single post like I do??
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I really like the look of it, and if it were smaller or larger (easier to pocket or easier to backpack) I would have to cancel my Pandora preorder and get that.

It looks like it will fulfill all of my major interests in a new portable like the Pandora will, and only leave gaming out in the cold (something I can easily live with should I get a better media player).

Ah well, Long Live Pandora! And may there eventually be a tablet version that's under $500.
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I'd like an actual 12-15" laptop with a "ARM inside" sticker on it.
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If and when (probably when) I get a Pandora, I will use it for two main purposes. Gaming and practical purposes like word processing for school* (and some other things.) The pandora has a good control system for gaming and better portability, but this would be way better for normal computing purposes. It would also suck as a gaming device. Who wants to play games with a keyboard? I think I'll still get a Pandora.

*It's not as silly as it sounds. I've got special permission for stuff like that and have a portable folding latex wireless keyboard that could be carried around in a pocket.
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The best way to think of this is as complimentary product to the pandora

Its essentially a pandora in a bigger shell - without gaming controls

which for me is not a bad thing - nope - its no-where near as portable

But on the other hand, a bigger screen, a full keyboard and touch interface would be cool

Its priced a bit on high side (for keyboard at least it contains added batteries)

Currently seriously considering this as device to get in favor of cancelling my Pandora order

Awaiting to find details of costs to ship to UK
So basically it's not the chinese knock off's Craig has to worry about it's the higher end fancy netbooks he has to worry about.

If this thing gets out first they might call the pandora the knock off. (even though they're technically almost the same thing.)
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'sindbad' said:
I'd like an actual 12-15" laptop with a "ARM inside" sticker on it.
I agree, I have an old G3 900 14" iBook that I'm thinking of gutting and putting a Beagle Board and touch screen in. I'll shed a tear when I crack it open, but it's at the end of it life. The only reason I keep it around is I keep saying to myself 'some day I'll get a new Mac and move my iTunes over.' I bought a lot of music but now that I can have it converted to DRM free and play it on anything I might do that and gut it. I wonder how much I could sell the parts I don't use for?
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