Internal Development
We've all either made or read top-5 lists for eveyr platform. When one
asks 'What are the top 5 games for SNES', you will invariable have
Chronotrigger, Final Fantasy, etc. In general I've not touched SNES and
GBA too much, but it occurs to me.. one of the issues is I don't know
whats fun to play, in sensible periods of time.
So.. a slightly alternate top-N list.
Name your top 5 or 10 SNES and GBA titles, that..
o are fun; not top 5 money-makers, but just th etop 5 or 10 you enjoyed
the msot, for a short time.
o that are not time-sinks, like RPGs. We all know Chronotrigger is
wicked-awesome, but it also takes a hundred hours.
o Super Mario World is probably on everyones list; Or Paper Mario, or
something with Luigi anyway. So make your list have no more than 1
Mario-related title .. your favourite one
Its not a good top-5 if
they're all variants of the same
o That work in an emu
asks 'What are the top 5 games for SNES', you will invariable have
Chronotrigger, Final Fantasy, etc. In general I've not touched SNES and
GBA too much, but it occurs to me.. one of the issues is I don't know
whats fun to play, in sensible periods of time.
So.. a slightly alternate top-N list.
Name your top 5 or 10 SNES and GBA titles, that..
o are fun; not top 5 money-makers, but just th etop 5 or 10 you enjoyed
the msot, for a short time.
o that are not time-sinks, like RPGs. We all know Chronotrigger is
wicked-awesome, but it also takes a hundred hours.
o Super Mario World is probably on everyones list; Or Paper Mario, or
something with Luigi anyway. So make your list have no more than 1
Mario-related title .. your favourite one
they're all variants of the same
o That work in an emu