Toddler Pandora addiction!


Certified Guru
Mar 14, 2004
London, UK
Has anyone run into Toddler pandora addiction problems?! My 2 1/2 year son discovered it and started drawing squares on the screen with the stylus. He had such a meltdown when I took it away since I couldn't supervise him with it! 'Want the Pandora, Want the Pandora, Pandora', for about an hour... When is the Pyra coming out so I can let him play without worrying about the Pandora breaking :-)
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I suggest a semi-disposable replacement device with features and ruggedness appropriate for the age. Distract him with that and reserve the Pandora for a more appreciative maturity.

The preciousness demands respect! Treat her with care or beware!  ;)
get an ipad with a kid-case around it, and a crayon stylus :')

I got my daughters these, the Pandora is MINE!

My daughter is 6. The Pandora is used mostly for viewing youtube movies offline. But she knows the media also works on the TV or the tablet, so it is not the apparatus she is interested in, per se. But at his age, 2.5 years, I would be more careful about the fact children press so hard on the screen with the stylus it could break (dead pixels are so ugly).

foft, I suggest doing this experiment: Ask your wife to hide the Pyra one hour after it arrives. Would you not act the same? ;)
My 18 month old love my Pandora :-\ I think kids just love everything they see us playing with (the more expensive or dangerous the better). I've taken to giving her an old broken keyboard to bash, and when I get time, I'm building her a breakable pcie from spares I have around 
My 18 month old love my Pandora :-\ I think kids just love everything they see us playing with (the more expensive or dangerous the better). I've taken to giving her an old broken keyboard to bash, and when I get time, I'm building her a breakable pcie from spares I have around 
Aww... now I want a little one.

Aww... now I want a little one.

Hehehe... those mixed emotions are right. First you want to strangle them, then you want to hug them to death, then you get scared you overprotect them too much and do not let them grow and experience life, then you are afraid you are not on top of it enough and neglecting them. Then they spend all your free time and you misss your free time... but when you have free time without them... you miss them!