To Everyone Who At This Time Preordered One

Wonslung said:
if it makes you feel any better i had to sell my methadone dose every other day for 2 weeks to get the money to preorder
There's a hell of a marketing campaign in this somewhere.

"Pandora: Helping people quit smack since 2008"
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Chip said:
Wonslung said:
if it makes you feel any better i had to sell my methadone dose every other day for 2 weeks to get the money to preorder
There's a hell of a marketing campaign in this somewhere.

"Pandora: Helping people quit smack since 2008"
Pandora: Legal Methadone substitute for geeks.
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Ashwin said:
i just basically made a killing off of designing websites and writing programs for people that couldn't do it themselves (i got ideas from people in this forum cause i didn't know what to do since i'm only 15).
i managed to raise $750 in a month and i bought a pandora, and extra battery, 32gb card, dev fund, video output for like 500.
probably the only reason i could do this is because apart from playing basketball and my social life, i really didn't have much to do because US high school is an absolute joke.
Well at least you have found a way to no end up like a absolute joke once that "education" is over :P
Besides webstuff, have a look at Enterprise database systems like db2/oracle etc.
Lot's of fun and good for $$$.
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i saved some money for the first time in my life (im 27, yeah), so for once i didnt feel the pinch when i spaffed it all on an expensive gadget.

hopefully it'll arrive on or before my birthday (3rd dec) but we'll see.
Am I the only one who deliberately won't touch things like this until a) they've shipped something and B) they've shipped enough that there's a ton of software already waiting for me? Not saying I don't trust people, but why would you want to buy early units of anything? If it was a large, big-company-supported console, then fair enough - you have money to burn and the street cred of having played Game X first is ovewhelming for you. But a games machine that relies on people to actually sit and convert all the existing homebrew, emulators etc, over first (even if it does just take a matter of minutes) before you have anything you can run on it?

I have a one-of-a-kind games console here (a Z80 chip stuck on a PCB with two LED's). I've only produced one unit. It plays games (theoretically) and has a battery life of a hundred hours (running off a couple of AA's). I'll even stick it in a limited edition box for you. Who wants to slap a few quid down on some pre-orders for me?

I've over-exaggerated but I don't think I've ever pre-ordered anything in my life. What's so wrong with "wait and see", especially when it involves a week's wages? I spent less on my last car than the Pandora costs (yeah, it's hardly a sportster but it goes from A to B perfectly every time and when I need them every scrap yard, spare parts dealer and garage has super-cheap parts for it). I'll be well-chuffed to play Quake 3 etc. on something portable and do all the same fancy stuff as everyone else but if I do it this week or next, this month or next, this year or next, what does it matter? It's a games console.

When you all sell your kit on eBay in a year's time, give me a shout. I might pay you about a third of what you paid for it and get all the bits thrown in with it too. Oh, and I'd know to avoid units X through Y because of their manufacturing problem. And replace the default battery with a cheapo-replacement that does a better job but didn't come out until six months after release. That's how I got my GP2X... £50 for an as-new unit with all the accessories, I knew there were hundreds of games for it (the previous owner looked like they'd played two homebrews and then never used the thing ever again) and I was able to make sure it was a "good" model without any problems (I had read about variations of the GP32 and didn't want to get lumbered with a sub-standard version).
I'm not worrying about any of that, because I'm not a gamer.. so I don't have to sit and wait for those emulators to get ported. I know pretty much exactly what I'm getting, and that's a beefed-up Nokia N800, and there's plenty of the software I want available already (with at most a simple recompile). I expect to be able to build and/or install the things I need from day one.
ledow said:
When you all sell your kit on eBay in a year's time, give me a shout. I might pay you about a third of what you paid for it and get all the bits thrown in with it too. Oh, and I'd know to avoid units X through Y because of their manufacturing problem. And replace the default battery with a cheapo-replacement that does a better job but didn't come out until six months after release.
You really shouldn't preach so hard, you know.

Luckily for you, like a street preacher, nobody paid attention. Because if we'd all listened to your wise words, and others who have said so before, then there would never BE any Pandoras for sale on ebay, as nobody would have purchased them in the first place.

And this is one bit of kit I don't intend to be selling in a years time!
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Cbass182 said:
liquidphantom said:
All these people that didn't make it to the pre-order because of lack of immediate funds.... why didn't you put some money aside? I actually sold three days of holiday back to work to get the money, not that I was going to use the holiday time as I was leaving and there was less time to go than the actual holiday time I had left to use muhahahaha
Uhh...some people have college to pay for, and car insurance, and phone bills, and gasoline, and rent, and all the other wonderful crap that goes with being a college student making $7 and some cents an hour...and who don't have rich parents who spoon feed them everything they could possibly want...

You can't just "put some money aside" if it's not there to begin with...

My folks are far from rich, i don't get spoon fed everything I work my ass off for every penny. When I was at uni I was doing 25 hours a week at uni, around 15 hrs a week extra study then another 25-30 hours a week working and I still had money to save up for stuff and go have fun, so don't give me the student sob story it wont wash with me.
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Quote: My folks are far from rich, i don't get spoon fed everything I work my ass off for every penny. When I was at uni I was doing 25 hours a week at uni, around 15 hrs a week extra study then another 25-30 hours a week working and I still had money to save up for stuff and go have fun, so don't give me the student sob story it wont wash with me.


ERIC: Who would have thought thirty years ago we’d all be sitting here drinking Chateau de Chassilier?
ALL: Aye…
MICHAEL: In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup of tea.
GRAHAM: Aye, a cup of COLD tea.
ERIC: Without milk or sugar.
GRAHAM: Or tea!
TERRY: In a cracked cup - and all.
ERIC: Ooh we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper.
GRAHAM: The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth…
TERRY: But you know - we were happy in those days although we were poor.
MICHAEL: BECAUSE we were poor! My old dad used to say to me: “money doesn’t bring you happiness son.”
ERIC: ‘e was right.
ERIC: I was happier then and I had nothing. We used to live in this tiny old tumbled-down house with great big holes in the roof.
GRAHAM: House? You were lucky to live in a house. We used to live in one room all twenty six of us, no furniture, half the floor was missing, we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of falling!
TERRY: You were lucky to have a room. We used to have to live in the corridor!
MICHAEL: Oooh! We used to dream of living in a corridor! Would have been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We all woke up every morning having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us. House? Huh!
ERIC: Well, when I say house it was just a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin. But it was a house to us!
GRAHAM: We were evicted from our hole in the ground. We had to go and live in a lake!
TERRY: You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in a shoe box in the middle of the road.
MICHAEL: Cardboard box?
MICHAEL: You were lucky! We lived for three months in a rolled-up newspaper in a septic tank. We used to have to get up every morning, at six o’clock and clean the newspaper, go to work down the mill, fourteen hours a day week in week out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!
GRAHAM: LUXURY! We used to have to get out of the lake at three o’clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, work twenty hours a day at mill for twopence a month, come home, and dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle if we were lucky!
TERRY: Well of course we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoe box, in the middle of the night, and lick the road clean with our tongues! We had to eat half a handful of freezing cold gravel. Work twenty four hours at that mill for four pence every six years, and when we got home, our dad would slice us in two with a bread knife!
ERIC: Right. I had to get up every morning, at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before i went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty nine hours down mill, and pay the mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home our dad would kill us and dance about in our graves singing hallelujah!
MICHAEL: And you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won’t believe you!
ALL: No, they won’t!

:D ....sorry, you where asking for that ;)
hobbyman II said:
MICHAEL: And you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won’t believe you!
ALL: No, they won’t!

BTW, I still live with my parents at 26, and I like my job, but I don't feel guilty about that. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and lifes are not directly comparable. The competition for determining who suffers the most difficul one is kinda silly.
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Ashwin said:
i just basically made a killing off of designing websites and writing programs for people that couldn't do it themselves (i got ideas from people in this forum cause i didn't know what to do since i'm only 15).
i managed to raise $750 in a month and i bought a pandora, and extra battery, 32gb card, dev fund, video output for like 500.
probably the only reason i could do this is because apart from playing basketball and my social life, i really didn't have much to do because US high school is an absolute joke.
Congrats on the small business startup. Run with it, bosses suck, its nice to be your own!


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