This Device Has Amazing Raw Potential


Still Fresh
these last days i have been thinking about the amazing potential this device has, other than playing games, it will be something like a swiss pocket knife....

i have been thinking of using it on some robotic projects... it works with linux, has USB and wifi.... and it now has bluetooth.

what uses would you give it?
I don't know how amazing this idea is - but I'm installing a VNC client on it, so I can control my Mac remotely with it. Pocketable, touchscreen computer with the power of a Core 2 Duo Mac behind it? YES PLEASE!
I'm gonna use it to cut wedding cakes....wait sorry wrong category

Reality: It's basically going to be used for Organization/Media/Gaming. The big 3 categories that its being touted for. I'm pretty sure most people will also experiment/dev other things for it. I have a host of small apps that i could port over to Pandora and not loose any functionality ( in terms of User IO).
I'm thinking of using it to bypass school filters during my study hall :D
I wonder if I can pair it with my 360, and do fun things... hmm what do with a pandora and a 360...
For the love of god if your going to jack my avatar please at least give me credit in your signature, I appreciate that you like it but please give me credit for the work I put it on it.
I'm planning on using this device for *me,* and demoting my n800 to a possible robotics project. =)

Edit: My uses will be Media/Internets/Games, probably in that order. And Media will be while doing Internets or Games.
well, aside from the obvious gaming/media/pda-ish stuff (maybe also a gps if possible), im thinking of using it as a portable audio effects processor for my bass or violin... get some program running that can do LADSPA plugins, maybe ill even make a custom version of linux just to get the latency as low as possible. the cpu should be enough for the basics.
also, getting a nice tracker running for writing music on the go is essential to me, even if i have to figure out how to write/port one myself :p

No need to write anything from scratch

Recently GPL'd so now in Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE, Gentoo etc.

spiralmodular is a very cool analogue synth that I've compiled and ran successfully on the Zaurus and will run even better on Pandora

Other linux music apps that would suit the pandora are - another good GPL tracker - Minimal midi sequencer - you know already


and lest we forget specimen

a very nice midi controlled sampler for linux
Games, Internet, Chatting on the go, programming on the go (mostly just editing files, not really compiling), and other stuff.
danboid said:

No need to write anything from scratch

Recently GPL'd so now in Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE, Gentoo etc.

spiralmodular is a very cool analogue synth that I've compiled and ran successfully on the Zaurus and will run even better on Pandora

Other linux music apps that would suit the pandora are - another good GPL tracker - Minimal midi sequencer

milky is xm only, severely limited, and chibi has no plugin support (tho, i know the developer and maybe i can get his help on adding JACK support in or something, who knows).
spiralsynth looks interesting, as does ingen (linked from ssm's site).
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Megamixman said:
I'm gonna use it to cut wedding cakes....wait sorry wrong category

Hey, cutting cake with consumer electronic devices is reserved for Michael Dell and his MacBook Air. :p
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Gorsh, anything and everything. It's a total laptop and PDA replacement for me, which means I'll use it for a wide range of tasks, from gaming (obvious), to e-mail, to the random fun thing that pops into my head.

In terms of wild ideas, I might give Gentoo a go. If I can get Gentoo and its library functioning on it, I'd be speechless. :)
If it's out in suitable form by next February I would suggest it be in the product placement list for a certain spy film ;).

The guys love obscure reference to products few people heard of; case and point, the Turbo Express in "Enemy of the State".
DasFool said:
danboid said:
milky is xm only, severely limited
"MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files."

danboid? didnt i say that? yes, im aware that it can also make mod files, but i didnt mention them because, quite frankly, they suck - 8bit samples, 4 channels, 32 samples, no volume column...
by 'xm only' i meant no .it support. plus, the interface is pretty crappy.
regardless, im looking for something more akin to current generation trackers rather than the older dos style.
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A good slogan might be:

Pandora became self aware August 31 2008. Within 1 hour it initiate a massive nuclear attack on all the members of
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