GA01 posted on Mar 18 2005 at 01:32 PM said:Thanks for the link spaceboygp32x. I guess I would be ordering from (being in the UK) as they guarantee 166 MHz units. I would like the most powerfull available (and stable), to be able to play the most mame roms (when available).
Thanks also, alyinsanfran, for the link regarding a poster with a similar issue. I guess as the blu's the latest, then there's more chance of new programming for the blu rather than flu.
What I'm still unsure about is the difference between a blu and blu+. You say that some games would not show the scanline due to a border. Is this because it is running at it's natural resolution and is only noticable when stretched? Is a scanline just a line of pixels across the screen? Sorry for so many questions but I'm trying to learn as much as possible before I part with my £'s (I just need to be sure). Btw, does anybody have a screenshot of this scanline or wouldn't it be noticable?
Yeah the scanline is just the top row of pixels. Originally the blu+ had a giant white bar across the middle too, but developers have released versions of emulators that get around that problem.
The moved scanline is noticeable, but only of you look at the screen straight on, and even then only if you really pay attention. I thought it'd be a problem but I'm so used to it I never even see it. And I tilt the Gp slightly away from me (otherwise I get a reflection of my ugly mug) which completely hides it, as the screen is quite recessed into the body of the GP (a good thing 'cause it makes it harder to scratch).
One other thing, although I've not played with a flu or unlit, is that apprently the launcher that is built into blu/blu+ is way better. I think you had to register the unlit one online or some such thing in order to be able to play stuff you'd downloaded. A lot of people 'flash' their GP's with different launchers but I have to say I find my blu+ launcher to be fast and reliable and have no intention of tinkering to that level (with my luck I'd get a power cut halfway through).
I think if you can find a regular blu it's the better choice, but they're hard to find.
The blu+ is a great piece of hardware that you'll not regret purchasing.
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