Theresa May promises a British version of Iran's Halal Internet

People love our governments... not sure if it's a Stockholm syndrome or a Pavlov's experiment.
I don't think, there's love involved. And the problem is not the goverment. That one you can exchange, and with it you change at most the flavour.
The problems are systemic. It's the system people won't part from. They've been led to believe (read indoctrinated) that all the alternatives are evil, obnoxious or unfeasable and also made unable to see, that it's the system granting rise to our problems, and instead thinking the latter just being the situation. A situation, we shouldn't be in considering, where we stand technology-wise - if I may say so.

This control mechanism is a religion. I don't know, if that rather qualifies as Stockholm syndrom or as Pavlov's experiment.
That was the idea behind democracy, unfortunately we never got this far and are still stuck in backwards republics.
Borderline monarchy in the USA. I'll explain why. Hereditary politicians generation after generation, of families all friends with each other. Old money, old politics. In my old city the mayor was son of the mayor before him. I am pleased I punched his son in the face. Brat acted like a nobility, feared me. Spilt paint on my coat one day.. after throwing a stool he got on his knees and cleaned it.

I don't know why people feared me.

Our governments are jokes.
Politics is a bit like a sports game - our team vs theirs, Somewhat of a distraction from the real game of thrones stuff.
am pleased I punched his son in the face. Brat acted like a nobility, feared me. Spilt paint on my coat one day.. after throwing a stool he got on his knees and cleaned it.
Sounds like a needlessly aggressive overreaction to someone spilling paint to me, especially so if it was done by accident.

The Rules for Rulers. This is an impressive, apolitical, systems-analysis of what rulership is. Short and simple, no big words.

(also what does it tell you about the Trump presidency's prospects?)
Sounds like a needlessly aggressive overreaction to someone spilling paint to me, especially so if it was done by accident.

Running around the room joking to dump glaze on his friends. It was a bucket of neon orange pottery glaze.

Kid would constantly go "Do you know who my father is?"

Basically the kid acted like Jerome in the game kindergarten, but was in high school.

May be an aggressive reaction but knocking him down fifty pegs was well worth it. This is the kid who used to peg people with nerf guns an offense normally worthy of being expelled in US schools.

I expect him to get into coke in college, follow in his daddy's footsteps.

A congressman apparently got shot today. I am not surprised.. can't wait for her knee jerk reactions to occur against us serfs... I mean peasants.. sorry law abiding citizens.
Some people think about distributed "Internet 2.0", I recently read about it in a few blogs. It will end the same way.
I think that there is one possibility to make this hypothetical "Internet 2.0" last a bit longer than current one. To consciously and by purpose go right into a dead end. Use technology so unhandy, difficult, and ineffective by design to make publishing hard enough to make people think before. No, not Java, that's not about systems speed and security :). There are probably a few modern open-source technologies which comply to these requirements (?Diaspora*?, ?GNU Social?).
Then to understand the idea and to use it, people would communicate enough to form community different than group of similar hashes in profiling database. The social-mechanical filters of such implementation should produce an effect similar to these terrible mail-based things operable by terminals from early 1990s.
Why I'm writing this: I had a bookmarks menu on my browser's bar with links to news sites I was checking from time to time. In its peak there were 20 or so. Today I deleted the last one. No commercial service would deliver news independently as their goal is not to deliver news, but to deliver advertisement. To make people buy more and operate blindly on advertisements, it is needed to artificially divide them while still making them think the division is not introduced externally. The objective of news will be to divide people, not inform what happens, even using "social media" in which knowledge of each users is illusory and manipulation of non-existing "public opinion" is simple.
So, the solution seems to be simple: Look here, then look there, for different news. One site, then another. But it isn't a full image - if all content dealers have goal to divide, they will not publish any news which don't help to divide. And this is the problem with... well, currently a whole modern journalism or publishing.
Finally, the list of observable aspects to divide people ends, so it is needed to create them from scratch. And this is what current Internet is doing. The political things here are secondary, the primary is to make another division, profitable for some companies.

P.S. Sorry for a bit chaotic post, yet another all-nighter.
Hey Wallikins, this is a political thread.

Don't you want to shut it down?
maybe so!
[doublepost=1498024103,1498023504][/doublepost]To be clear, this is, imo, or at least my part in it, less of a political discussion and more of a discussion about politics. But if someone feels that we shouldn't talk about things that are a major concern for many of the active members here, and that is directly related to the Pandora and Pyra, since some people might express political opinions, and someone had their feelings hurt, sure, kill it. Censorship is a great thing, right?
People are able to express themselves anywhere on the internet however Reddit is probably a more appropriate place for this. On a forum about our beloved pyra? neh.
We also censor the internet by democracy. It is only needed to fill the government-controlled "social media" with some content and it'll be "automagically" upvoted and reposted if only few pages are filled and voted once or twice by small group of merely-paid bio-robots :). Today we have quantity, not quality.

Recently in media we can see an interesting effect. I don't know how it looks outside my country, but maybe it happened earlier here than in rest of EU. Ignoring definite lies, relayed by lots of people as typical "fake news" but with gain for government, so not censored any way (for people from Poland - the meaning of word "incident", this is not translatable), information about recent car attack performed by man from Cardiff, in London has never been shown as "European"/"Christian" attack as intensely as earlier ones were shown as "Muslim". No, not "ISIS" attacks (which were confirmed by ISIS), not "extremists", but "Muslim". In Poland we have Muslim Tatars, they don't to terrorism... maybe because we don't support bombing their houses :). So the recent censorship in terms of migration policy is a show only to deliver information another way, amplify propaganda effect and prepare for military conflict. Compare with how the real censorship (e.g. about what Israel is doing in there) works and how social media is conditioned. This already is an effective censorship mechanism with help of all "pseudo-communities" in which people don't know each other at all except from modified profile photos.
Local member of Government excused the attacker as typical radical attackers are excused by other extremists (and it meets resistance from "social media") and... almost no protests from people! Magic of propaganda! Terrorist attacks made by foreigners are bad, but own are OK? WTF? For me, it's a typical conditioning for conflict.
Few years more and we'll have official censorship by the reason of "military secrets". And there will be no protests at all.