The Youtube Video Thread!

anyone know where can i find scumm :( ,been looking for the thred that had the link to download it, and it doesn't seem to be on the store or archive.
Gaeryc said:
I take requests for videos, if anything comes to your mind that hasn't been already showed. Got my pandora today.
A nice in depth video Review of the Pandora would be awesome!
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Alex didn't work, sorry. Remember that the picodrive isn't ready yet.
Fennec is really great, I switched to using it over the default browser that was good too. I tried to make video out of it but filming while holding Pandora is really hard, luckily tomorrow I have a friend to help me. IF I have time I will make lenghty review concentrating on the hardware, there really isn't many programs that will not see big updates in near future so reviewing them would be wrong.
roberthoward45 said:
why is scumm so popular it looks kinda lame to me (no offense)
I hate to answer a question with a question, here, but how does an engine "look" like anything? :P

This might be a better answer, though.
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Please, if you are doing a video, set to MACRO mode, and autofocus OFF.
Check focus, and adjust manually, then keep the camera at a constant distance to the Pandora.

I've yet to see a video where the focus was good.
If anyone knows of one, please link it.
paulguy said:
I think most people are just using their phones or small point and shoot things, that may not have a decent/any manual focus or macro mode.
Sorry about that.

Part 1 of my review is now uploaded, will post another one today. Made this really fast so it's not very good. Request something if you want to see more, coming up on pt2 is fennec and some original games for the pandora... what could they be?
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In part 2 I show fennec and some original pandora games (time to panic)

edit: My encoding messed the sounds. Will fix it tomorrow, I have to sleep now, sorry.
Edit: fixed!