I was hoping someone here could create a temporary FTP site or some other common upload medium for everyone to use. If you can offer that, then that would be preferred.
I'll see what can be done, currently having some troubles actually logging in myself, but a quick email or customer support ticket should solve that. Would be nice doing my part
Jourdy288: So sir, how do you feel about delivering my Pandora?
*Postman shifts nervously, slowly backs off walkway
Jourdy288*SCREAMS*: You're an unsung hero man!
*Postman kicks up the pace*
Jourdy288: I love you!
*Postman shrieks, begins to run.*
Ok, the major details are hashed out between me and NLS, who will be providing the FTP upload point for everyone's videos. Here is how this will work:
Get your Pandora, make your video, PM me, I PM you back with the username, password, and FTP site, then you upload your video to the FTP site. I'll take care of the rest.
Much thanks to NLS for providing us with this tool.
Since people are getting their confirmation emails, I'm sending this out as a reminder: please video your unboxing and pm me for the details to upload your video if you wish to participate in the collabrative unboxing video.