The World's First 5.5 Inch Handheld PC/Gaming Console Based on Windows 10 System.

Minimum is the fourth. One I open, another on Pyra General and another on Off topic. But yes, this one is more official.

Hey GPD, why do you need a Indiegogo campaign?
Thanks so much for your kind concerns and support.We made this campaign for promotion and marketing test for GPD WIN.
If you are interested in GPD WIN.Hope you can support us.
No matter the found raise is succeed or not.we will be surely complete this perfect device!!!
Of cause,we all hope you can help us to make this campaign success.So we will have more confidence for GPD WIN!!!
And if you still can do it, change processor, put an atom z5-x8700, because the one you put is really so-so.
Thanks so much for your kind concerns.The development cost for Z8700 is very high and it is also not so mature for us to use it .And Z8700 chip production is't a lot.This is also a limitation.Cause we tend to make a portable Windows the space may hard to support a Z8700 chip,cause its calorific value is huge than maybe we need to add a cooling system for it.But It is hard to realize for a portable device. Z8500 is the most mature solution and we have test that it is enough for a Windows can run many huge online games smoothly!!
Regarding the GPD Q9:
Good d-pad (disc), good shoulder- and action buttons, useless analogue sticks with a very low range.
I saw when you mentioned the sticks before, and I wanted to say this: I figured having actual sticks would be better than nubs. It isn't a total surprise that they aren't great since it is very easy for them to feel like they are wrong, and then there is the issue of little problems making them not function properly (I am talking about an xbox controller that I like for some games but can't stand for others, worn down and floppy N64 controllers, some of the Pandora nub issues, etc.). I have never used a Vita, so I can't tell if I would prefer that route of stick over a nub/circle pad type thing, however those seem to work well for me.

I did want to mention a couple things for ED and kendy. If I didn't know about the Pandora and Pyra I would probably be strongly considering the GPD Win. The Pandora was being developed when I was looking for open-source handhelds and a palmtop that could deliver usable Linux and was the perfect option for me. Yeah, I forgot about it for a bit, but eventually found my way back. If I wasn't interested in Linux and only cared about games or price I would probably go for the GPD Win. I don't know if the same sort of community will develop around it as what the Pandora and Pyra have, and for better or worse this community has my type of people. Additionally, there are some seemingly minor design decisions that were made with the Pyra that make it more suitable for me, even at twice the cost. The best things that both companies are doing include creating gaming palmtops and getting feedback from the community/potential users about them.
Thanks for bringing us these great little computers!
I saw when you mentioned the sticks before, and I wanted to say this: I figured having actual sticks would be better than nubs. It isn't a total surprise that they aren't great since it is very easy for them to feel like they are wrong, and then there is the issue of little problems making them not function properly (I am talking about an xbox controller that I like for some games but can't stand for others, worn down and floppy N64 controllers, some of the Pandora nub issues, etc.). I have never used a Vita, so I can't tell if I would prefer that route of stick over a nub/circle pad type thing, however those seem to work well for me.

The Pandora's nubs are vastly superior to the Q9's sticks, believe me. I've played twin stick shooters and racing games with Pandora's nubs nicely, impossible with those sticks.
I actually prefer the Q9s d-pad though, hopefully it doesn't wear down quickly.
Of course no controllers or devices I've ever encountered reached the quality of the Saitek p2600 (awesome d-pad, 6 well positioned good action buttons, 4 good shoulder buttons, nice rubberized analog sticks with a wide range - everything is perfect on this, unfortunately out of production for a long time).

Since you're here: Can you tell me if there'll be a firmware update for the GPD Q9 to fix the completely botched internal memory partitions? EvilDragon (owner of DragonBox) has already contacted you about it.
Atm it's only possible to install 2.89GB of apps/games on the advertised 16GB internal storage while the rest is a virtual SD card where you can't install anything regardless of settings.
The 2.89GB are already full with just a handful of Android 3D games. This may not be an issue for people that only use emulators and store their roms anywhere but as soon as you want to play Android games which get automatically installed on the 2.89 primary partition, it is a problem. I can use the full internal storage of my cheap Lenovo tablet to install apps without problems while 10GB of my GPD Q9 are barren while I'd like to install more Android games but can't.
This is unfortune since the device is nearly perfect for the rather demanding 3D games.
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I have to admit, the CPU is a touch concerning considering that it will be running Win10 and all the overheads that entails. It's going to feel awfully slow doing any desktop-based tasks. Don't know how well it performs compared to the Pyra processor, but at least we'll be running a stripped-down linux (presumably similar to the way the Pandora does) - how easy would it be to get Linux going on one of these?

And yeah, like others I would be seriously considering this if the Pyra wasn't on the way - as it is, I think I'll stick with what I know.

The Pandora's nubs are vastly superior to the Q9's sticks, believe me. I've played twin stick shooters and racing games with Pandora's nubs nicely, impossible with those sticks.
I actually prefer the Q9s d-pad though, hopefully it doesn't wear down quickly.
Of course no controllers or devices I've ever encountered reached the quality of the Saitek p2600 (awesome d-pad, 6 well positioned good action buttons, 4 good shoulder buttons, nice rubberized analog sticks with a wide range - everything is perfect on this, unfortunately out of production for a long time).
I am still pretty fond of my p990 (sorta like the 2600 without rumble and blue instead of red). I am pretty curious about the d-pad on the Q9, and wonder why they went with a cross on the Win instead.
Windows, uuuuugh. Windows only ¯\_(゚ Д゚)_/¯ whyyyyyyyyyy?

Props for using omron and ALPS, very fine choices.

I want to know the actual specs for everything.
What microswitches are used.
Which bluetooth/WiFi Nic? not just 801.11.abgn

The keyboard is how this easily could have been improved.
  • Why do you use two columns of the keyboard on the right hand side, when it off-sets the whole keyboard to the left of centre..? It is a keyboard meant for two thumbs typing (?) But you implemented it as a 10-finger board. Made even stranger by the earlier mentioned two columns, meaning all available space isn't used to do so.
  • The whole numberrow is off-set to the right with respect to the letters to respect the positioning of one key on the almost top left, which isn't even where it should be, (top left)
-I agree Esc should be top left, but moving the tilde ~ key over to the right of + = is an easy fix.
  • Select Start isn't in the correct order. You have it as Start Select.
  • [ ] and { } brackets are all over the place, not respecting the positioning of the rest of the keyboard.
  • There is a delete key where where backspace should be. Harder to fix, but means the physical layout needs to be reconsidered.
  • Similarly PgUp and PgDn changed orientation.
  • Fn bottom left, no no no. This will never be good.
  • Why would the Dpad lose function when you are in mouse mode? Using it as arrowkeys is handy, and should never fail.
  • There is a rightclick button, when both the joysticks click (?) Dont understand this.
    • Ctrl isn't written like that. You have it as "ctrl" when Alt is Alt.
    • Esc is ESC for some reason.
    • "Caps" isnt a key, Caps Lock is.
  • Font for Enter is huge (and it is return) The similar Shift, is smaller. PrtScn is unreadable.
  • Backspace uses ISO, almost everyone else uses long ←, same for enter shift tab etc.
  • Volumekeys almost universially are speaker element with no soundwaves, next to a speaker elements with many.
  • The arrowkeys arent arrows, ←↓↑→, they are < ^ v > for some reason.
  • Playstation has trademarked their square triangle circle cross btw. ABXY is in the sega orientation BAXY. The colours are neither sega, nor snes (trademark)... Nice that the pairs AB and XY are maintained.

It looks like dropping this thing on the actual hinge is possible..
I am guessing that the spacebar isn't stabilized, and that it will be wobbly, cant be actuated anywhere, or wear unevenly. Have you tried it?
I don't think ALPS quotes MTBF as rotations, but rather actuations (clicks)


The English used for the campaign is genuinely pidgeon-Chinese at best. Not a huge deal, but could be more professional.
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Serious question here..

What does SteamOS provide that Win 10 with Steam automatically booting up in big picture mode doesn't? All I know is it'll have a much smaller library and in some cases inferior drivers.

What you say is true. My perspective was from the marketing side of things rather than the common sense side. However there seem to be quite a few 'gadget geeks' out there who don't like Windows and being the first handheld Steambox would surely generate a bit of hype. I don't know a lot about SteamOS and how difficult it would be to get it working well with the GPD Win hardware. Guess that's the fundamental question, i.e. if was relatively easy to add the option of SteamOS then it would make sense to make that option available.

I have to admit, the CPU is a touch concerning considering that it will be running Win10 and all the overheads that entails. It's going to feel awfully slow doing any desktop-based tasks.
One of the good things about Win10 is how well it works with limited hardware, I've seen a £50 windows tablet with 1GB ram running desktop stuff quite well & from my personal experience the Z8300 in the Chuwi Hi 10 is great for desktop work (tried mine with things like Photoshop & CubaseAI) and pretty good for gaming as well.

And yeah, like others I would be seriously considering this if the Pyra wasn't on the way - as it is, I think I'll stick with what I know.
Same here, though the choice would be harder for me without the modularity of the Pyra. Despite the probable high initial cost of the Pyra I'm looking at the long game, with the replaceable SOC board the lifetime cost of the device will hopefully be highly competitive.
The thing is though, for the games where you need Windows, all of them are better on a desktop.
Steam itself (valve) is about Linux nowadays with SteamOS.

The games you don't need windows for, dota and CS, dont work on handhelds, at all.

That spanish handheld did the same thing, as did many others. Same closed nature. They are advertising FPS and moba, when the people they are selling to remember Command and Conquer, and how good it was on the N64...

If there is such a thing as moba for handhelds, its League of legends, and Strife. Garbage knockoff casual games. Hollywood films were also for the longest time uninspired in the same way, made huge profits, OK, but not more than that. Interesting for those who want to make money on it, not particularly so with anyone else.

FPS with controller, is what Consoles do. They have the power and controlled (heh) ecosystem on their side.

Games spent time on, of the MMORPG variety isn't on-the-go-gaming. Nor are those folks really outside-the-house-people. I could be wrong, and there could be a market for this.

In any event its probably something like maplestory, and i want no part of it.

Luckily the games that are playable on handhelds, are the types of games on the rise, after EA ate the AAA studios, we are back to the indie-scene of the Amiga-days. With equal creativity.
Those are games that fit right in with Linux and handhelds.

The people that remember C64 and Amiga (and older) are the same people wanting to emulate their nostalgia and memories, an ageing demographic, which also means they have more money.

The hipster wants ethical and thought-provoking things that some effort went into. Could be wrong here too, but GPD doesnt make cult devices.

Then there are the younger gamers who want to enjoy older games, for their culture and appeal. Better tailored hardware, better experience. The culture of things is very much aligned with the openpandora community.

From the ground up, rather than someone with money trying to do the cool thing and fit into it all.

I see the need for a perfect pyra. But going windows 10 only to tie into "laptop", is just an easy, outdated shortcut.

Gp2x was much the same as the other GPD devices are now. Adjusted for time.

Going forth, it would be like putting Android on the Openpandora. Easier at the time, much more overhead. The wrong types of games. The wrong type of "gamers".

No upstart company has made a successful game-console android device. Because consoles are dumb, clinging onto their market going down. Android and games is just an assimilated thing. Its like Android and photos. Its not something a photographer is interested in. Yet its probably the most used camera of its day.

The arrows are not pointing upwards for Windows. Within a good lifespan of a device, it wont be the most used, for anything, nor posses the power to make you.
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The modularity may end up being a huge benefit if/when we get a new CPU board. That would be like a huge bonus for me. The freedom the Pyra offers in terms of hardware and software are really big to me, plus it is an improvement over the Pandora which I consider to be the first in this class of devices, and, I feel, a success that taught many lessons. That direct lineage and involvement from some of the original team also help. I even enjoy knowing about those that are involved in all the steps involved in making me this great little machine. As I mentioned in one of these threads, I really appreciate that I know that most of those involved in making the Pandora are getting a fair wage. There are many other little things that add up, like the keyboard layout/backlighting/protective caps, 4G, logo/indicator LEDs (still not sure I like it better than the Pandora ones, but it does offer more options), plenty of connectivity, storage, and methods of booting (which may help keep it alive for decades, I hope, even if I have to use my hands, like a baby's toy).

Ok, I am just babbling now. The Pyra just seems great to me, and the GPD Win will probably be the same for those that are less picky. One area where I think the Pyra stands out is that it might be able to function as a primary device for some of us, while the Win will be something extra to be carried along with a phone. I want my main communication device to have a keyboard.
The English used for the campaign is genuinely pidgeon-Chinese at best. Not a huge deal, but could be more professional.

I disagree, I see no problems with it within forums or less oficial places, and sure I´m one not to care about it, but on an international money gather campaign for a new product?
Should not be a problem for those that research what they buy (1%) but I think it will be a huge deal to common folk.
Thanks so much for your kind concerns and support!!GPD WIN is based on Windows 10 system.It must be very practical and useful OS.Hope you can click into the link from INDIEGOGO and check it.
Any concerns,just be free to let me know.
Implying Linux isn't a very practical useful OS <____<

Uhm, but on the pic you clearly see that the analog sticks stand out much more on the Vita and are not sunken in like on the GPD, that's what I wanted to point out. ;)

The Pandora's nubs are vastly superior to the Q9's sticks, believe me
Except the Pandora nubs tend to auto-recalibrate and dont have much "travel" (at least for my taste). My left nub is broken, it miss-calibrates all along, right direction does not work anymore. At least I was able to switch to the right nub for mouse controls. That's why I'm happy for every other analog solution.
Implying Linux isn't a very practical useful OS <____<
Unfortunately, most people that never used Linux in the last few years still think that.

It is especcially unfortunate in this case since Windows will make a mobile device with naturally less hardware power than a desktop system painfully slow.

Except the Pandora nubs tend to auto-recalibrate and dont have much "travel" (at least for my taste). My left nub is broken, it miss-calibrates all along, right direction does not work anymore. At least I was able to switch to the right nub for mouse controls. That's why I'm happy for every other analog solution.
Doesn't sound like you know those sticks I was talking about, because Pandora's nubs have more range.
A good nub is still better than a bad stick.
Uhm, but on the pic you clearly see that the analog sticks stand out much more on the Vita and are not sunken in like on the GPD, that's what I wanted to point out. ;)

Except the Pandora nubs tend to auto-recalibrate and dont have much "travel" (at least for my taste). My left nub is broken, it miss-calibrates all along, right direction does not work anymore. At least I was able to switch to the right nub for mouse controls. That's why I'm happy for every other analog solution.
If you think the Pandora nubs don't have much travel, you haven't used the analog sticks... probably half the travel the Pandora nubs offer.

You can't compare them to any PSX or Xbox controller sticks. They're very small.
Unfortunately, most people that never used Linux in the last few years still think that.

It is especcially unfortunate in this case since Windows will make a mobile device with naturally less hardware power than a desktop system painfully slow
I use to think so until I got the Pandora. I wanted a UMPC but there where no new once except the Pandora. That is the thing that got me into Linux. Ironically this device would have been my dream device a couple of years ago and I would have picked it over anything with Linux, but now that the Pyra is coming and I know how good Linux is I really don't want this device.
I bet this handheld would fly much faster with a light Linux distro than Windows 10. At least make it an opinion.
I use to think so until I got the Pandora. I wanted a UMPC but there where no new once except the Pandora. That is the thing that got me into Linux. Ironically this device would have been my dream device a couple of years ago and I would have picked it over anything with Linux, but now that the Pyra is coming and I know how good Linux is I really don't want this device.
I bet this handheld would fly much faster with a light Linux distro than Windows 10. At least make it an opinion.
Same here. Haven't used Linux before outside of saving my Windows partition sometimes with a Knoppix-CD.
Since OpenPandora I went full Linux and wouldn't go back.
The thing is though, for the games where you need Windows, all of them are better on a desktop.
Steam itself (valve) is about Linux nowadays with SteamOS.

The games you don't need windows for, dota and CS, dont work on handhelds, at all.

There are lots of simpler 2D games that can be controlled exclusively with gamepads that are just not available on Linux yet (and may never be)

Some of them work with Wine, but in my experience that's very hit or miss and often not well documented, so you're left with taking a risk buying something with no idea. And some of the ones that are supposed to work on Linux have problems and need a bunch of hoops to run through or never work at all (for instance, I had to hunt down a different newer Adobe AIR client to run Anodyne)
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