The World Ends With You


vultum stultum habes
Nov 4, 2005
Essex, UK
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Two words. Bloody brilliant.

If you haven't got it yet and you own a DS, get it now. It's one of the best JRPGs I've played. You won't regret trying it out.

Anyone else here have it? Share your experiences and all that.
I've was waiting before sticking my hand in my pocket before I got it (purely because I was waiting on money from my birthday) but I've heard really good things about it. It's definitely on my to buy list. Although come to think of it, I haven't seen it in any of my local stores but then I haven't been looking for it really. I'll have a proper look for it tomorrow when I'm out (Gotta get some Wii points for WiiWare on Tuesday)
I just started playing this.

Love the Jet Set Radio-esque designs and music.

But so far (I'm only up to the 2nd day) in all honesty, I don't find it enjoyable. The combat seems rather... I don't know... manic? Chaotic. It's all still very new for me though, so it could well be one of those games that I'll end up loving after getting over the hump of learning some new gameplay mechanics.

The story is also not intriguing to me, but I realize I'm at the very beginning so it could get a lot better. I completely LOVE the setting though - I'm sick of the traditional elves and magic fantasy settings in RPG's.
Japanese people have a bass-ackwards sense of fashion. I can only look at pseudo-hipsters for so long before wanting to chop off my own head.

No offense to people who might like this game. I understand the excitement felt when a brand new JRPG comes out. There are quite a few JRPGs that I really like. This one just looks intolerable.
TyBO! said:
Japanese people have a bass-ackwards sense of fashion. I can only look at pseudo-hipsters for so long before wanting to chop off my own head.

No offense to people who might like this game. I understand the excitement felt when a brand new JRPG comes out. There are quite a few JRPGs that I really like. This one just looks intolerable.
I don't know about you, but I don't play a game for its fashion sense. The gameplay is fantastic, the story is interesting and the characters are relatively deep. Just because the characters dress like they were dragged through the 90s backwards doesn't make the game bad.
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I downloaded this sheez yesterday,y first DS game in ages.

It looks and sounds good, gameplay seems good, but I think it does what all RPGs do - makes things too complicated. Too many setting, evolving badges, levelups,2 modes of attack, diff difficulty levels and clothing and god knows what else.

WHY do they do this?

What happened to simple FUN gameplay?!
You don't have to worry about the trends and the clothing and the food and the pin evolutions if you don't want to. They make the experience more varied and fun if depth and intricacy is your thing. Otherwise you can just power through the game without thinking of it. Do enough combat and you'll end up a high enough level that it doesn't matter.