I felt that after the long and arduous process of porting his entry, the author was the only person who actually put some real effort into getting it "just right" for the Pandora.
Hey, thanks much buddy
I'm not a developer. I'm just an open-stuff aficionado and sysadmin that took the challenge to create something for the Pandora. I started learning python in the first couple of weeks after the competition was announced. Then I got to learning pygame and "game" techniques (screen creation, blitting, sound, framerates, timing, text rendering, animation etc. Then I designed a (admittedly) crappy game by anyone's standards, but it was something I had never done in my life before. I did photo editing for the background graphic, sprites, firing, explosion, sound synchronisation, etc. I used the Pandora's exact max resolution, used a nub for aiming so that it would not always be d-pad d-pad d-pad every time everywhere. I prototyped and prototyped. I coaxed and begged my daughter to do some graphics for me (she's only 10 years old) because I'm hopeless at freehand drawing. Then I managed to write the actual game, test, debug, put everything I learned together and finish it a few days before the deadline and convinced a couple of nice folks to test it for me and until now it's a Pandora exclusive (which it will remain, since it's too simple a game to warrant further development on any platform). Let's say I had two months of fun and frustration learning and creating something original for the Pandora which now exists and which did not exist before, and all in the now "traditional" two months ™ allotment. It may still be a crap game which didn't win any accolades but saying only one person put real effort in his port feels like having a nail driven in my left eye. In other words, it's painful dude. Thanks for your appreciation of everyone's efforts
I sincerely hope your first two months ever (whenever they were) of coding for any platform were at least as productive and fruitful as mine, sire. I'm sorry I'm not up to certain "standards" with my effort. I'll scold my mom for not creating me as a programming guru on that fateful day 42 years ago
Cheers. Now I'm off to play with my 3 favourite entries