The Thing - Opens on the 14th


Hardcore Member
Jan 23, 2011
Ok so the Movie "The Thing" opens in a weeks time.

I for one will be watching it. That said there's a lot of talk around on whether its a prequel or a remake.

In short its a prequel, however,

Ok , The 1951 movie "The thing from another world" was based on the novel "Who goes there" but differed from the novel a bit. It starts with some scientists etc finding the thing and its ship and accidentally thawing it out (Just like in this latest 2011 movie).The 1982 movie "The thing" is meant to be a bit closer to the novel's story line. It opened with them encountering the thing which is a husky being chased by the last survivor of some other scientific team. 

This latest movie is meant to be a prequel to Carpenters movie ie concentrating on the scientific team that ends with one of them chasing the husky (then getting shot). Confused?, you should be because this prequel is actually very close to the story line of the 1951 movie which was based on the same novel as the 1982 version, they just changed the story line a bit in the 82 version to be closer to the novel.

Can you call it a prequel, yes, but given the above that doesnt mean much. Especially when it has the same exact title.
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The 1982 carpenter one is a great flick.will go see this one too.

The first time I watched the 1982 version, I had hired it with some of my friends to watch at home. My mom decided to watch what we had hired also . Had to stop the movie about half way through as my mom did not stop for one minute from making comments like, why did you hire this, this is awefull, are you insane for hiring this . We couldn't take her comments any more and decided to go for a ride instead. I had to apologise endlessly to my friends because my mom had ruined the movie for us.

I later hired it when she wasn't home and watched it then. Great movie when you don't have your mom commenting
The 1982 carpenter one is a great flick.will go see this one too.

The first time I watched the 1982 version, I had hired it with some of my friends to watch at home. My mom decided to watch what we had hired also . Had to stop the movie about half way through as my mom did not stop for one minute from making comments like, why did you hire this, this is awefull, are you insane for hiring this . We couldn't take her comments any more and decided to go for a ride instead. I had to apologise endlessly to my friends because my mom had ruined the movie for us.

I later hired it when she wasn't home and watched it then. Great movie when you don't have your mom commenting
yep very atmospheric film.My older brothers recommended it to me years ago. I prefer this movie to Alien 1 and such.Much rewatch it sometime.
If my memory is correct, there was a Playstation 2 game based on the original movie.

Your health meter lowered as you traveled outdoors in the sub zero weather.

Very scary and above average graphics for it's time.
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I have very fond memories of The Thing. The firs time I saw this was in my last science lesson of my first year in secondary school, so at about the age of 12. I was gob smacked at the time and think that the film still holds up really well today, and looks especially good on the blu-ray release.

I am having very mixed feelings about this film. Looks like it will be much of the same with not much originality.
If my memory is correct, there was a Playstation 2 game based on the original movie.

Your health meter lowered as you traveled outdoors in the sub zero weather.

Very scary and above average graphics for it's time.

It was on PC too, 3rd person survival horror. There was also a 'trust meter' for any NPCs you encountered, if you started behaving violently or waving a weapon about they would start to mistrust you and refuse to cooperate! It was almost always a safe bet they'd sprout tentacles and teeth at some point, so I always kept a beady eye on them.
If my memory is correct, there was a Playstation 2 game based on the original movie.

Your health meter lowered as you traveled outdoors in the sub zero weather.

Very scary and above average graphics for it's time.

It was on PC too, 3rd person survival horror. There was also a 'trust meter' for any NPCs you encountered, if you started behaving violently or waving a weapon about they would start to mistrust you and refuse to cooperate! It was almost always a safe bet they'd sprout tentacles and teeth at some point, so I always kept a beady eye on them.
I think it is certain that there will be another video game made from this movie, yes?
I first watched the Carpenter movie with my parents, and I loved that scene where they were investigating the other science post, because it left so much up to the imagination. Will this new movie live up to those expectations? I don't know, but I probably need to see it. Too bad about that clip: my player lagged right when it got interesting. And it didn't play after that point on my girlfriend's computer, so she was wondering what I was watching.
This has the potential to be extremely good, if done properly. I am a huge fan of the original, it might actually be my favourite film ever.

I'm hoping that they've studied the original scenes and recreated the first outpost, and they're going to have the people die and leave the corpses in exactly the same ways depicted when they find them frozen in the first film.
Ok, so I watched the movie last night with a friend. I wont spoil the story line but just say that the film was ok, not great, not bad, just ok. Is it worth watching?. Yes , I think its worth seeing. Is it as good as the 1982 John Carpenter movie ? No, but it does have some of the elements the 82 version did. ie the who's the thing and who's human element. The biggest problem I have with the movie is timing, it moved a little to quickly for you to feel fear or anxiety for the characters as it just whipped over some of the good stuff. For example the whole atmosphere of fear about who was real and who wasn't , was lost as these scenes went by to quickly to appreciate the atmosphere they were trying to create.

If you watch it, stay for the credits , there's a scene played during the credits which ties it into the 82 version. Worst attempt ever in my opinion to try and create a prequel just by adding an adhoc scene in the credits. No wonder people are still calling it a remake rather than a prequel .

Anyway 3/5 for me.
The reviews are coming in bad, I'm disappointed but not surprised. Why are there significantly more awful films these days?
Why are there significantly more awful films these days?
The same reason that there are significantly more dire specimens in all entertainment media nowadays: A lack of the proper (former) balance between running a business and making a worthwhile entertainment product.

Anyone who claims that such viewpoints are influenced by "just nostalgia" either isn't living in reality, or has very, very poor taste in entertainment. :P
So many great premises have been wasted by bad acting/directing, they should send them all to me, i'll take care of it