Gp32 Scene.. Slow Or Fast?

Is the GP32 homebrew scene at its height, or middle of the road, or low compared to before?

  • At its height baby!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slower than it was a year ago

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow! Wheres all the devs?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
As in all things, there are ebbs and tides.. but nothing can hold back the GP32 comeback king ;)

ie: GBA was really hopping long ago, but I Think its really slowed down as a scene a year ago or so (ie: In terms of homebrew developers and such)

GP32 scene was hopping for awhile, but I think it really slowed down the last year.. but the last couple months seam to have picked up a bit with the Spanish release, etc.

So what do you think?

Is the GP32 hopping right now, faster than its been for the last year, or possible faster than it ever has been? Or is GP32 scene slower than it was at its potential height a year or so ago? GBAX contest seamed a great success, GPLinux, ....


Damnit, I need to paint this thing :)
I think it has been running along real nicely. Its getting new stuff every few days and such. Theres been alot of contribution Spanish community and such. More and more programs are supporting the chatboards, its been a great few months.
I actually pick none of the options. I think the GP32 scene is just right - there are slow periods, and there are not-so-slow periods. Rarely there are super-fast periods, but usually it's just a little spike and a little dip. The scene progress at enough of a pace to keep people interested, but not fast enough to wear out our excellent devs ;)
Likewise. You're right that its slower than it was at this point last year, I think, but its not slowing down as such. Last year was hecticly fast for a while. So was this year a bit earlier. Right at the moment, the scene's moving along at a brisk walk that's fast enough to pull you along, but not so fast that you'll have trouble keeping up.
It's not really slow, but just hopping along quite nicely. Doesn't seem to be many major advances to cover as we already got USB Mass Storage, USB Client (Linux-only), a GBA Emu using the MMU, etc. But to be honest, I don't think there's much more in the way of major technological advances to come.

Still a load of stuff to develope and port however - it would be nice to get ports of UAE and NeoGeo working (with the later probably needing the 32mb mod unless there's a dynamic loader in it somewhere - if that's even feasible).

Does anyone know what happened to GPAdvance BTW? There seemed to be a release once a day at one point, and then it seemed to just stop suddenly?
I think it has slowed a bit due to the fact that many devs have left or greatly diminished support for the GP32 in favor of the Zodiac like Yoyo, Or even Skeezix himself.

There have been a few new devs but not more than the ones that left.

There are still many things that could be done and/or improved though.

Elite the New kind
Lynx emu
Atari 2600 emu
TG-16 emu
Intellivision emu

Are but a few examples of things that could still be done/improved.
I think GPAdvance is on a slight break until enf65 starts school again, but I maybe wrong I heard that from a second-hand source... but it could be picked up at anytime cause it's on sourceforge. And the only reason there was a release per day was because enf65 was using it to transfer his work between school and home. (but then and again, what do I know :P )

As for the speed of the scene, it's a nice consistent pace now and I hope it continues with the occassional upsurge.
No, Hooka, you're right.

I talked to Torlus a few nights ago in #gp32dev, and he said they all were on vacation, but that it's almost over. I assume this is a french school thing, but who knows?

I'm sure it'll be back to a release every 2 days in maybe a month.
enf65 posted on Aug 3 2004 at 09:31 PM said:
For the savegames problem, in fact I could simply ignore writes into rom, some other games could run.

More generally, there are some errors that I could transform in warnings, for example Data Abort or Prefetch Abort.

For the moment, I am not working on the project, but I will resume soon.

From this thread.

Never fear B)
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Yeah, GPadvance needs a few touch ups, but not many (the same/load state is all I can think of). Hopefully Black will someday release the source :)

As to my 'leaving', I have no so much left as had to re-order to stay mentally afloat -- with the hours I work I must trim my pursuits or die from overwork. Given that I work on Palm OS, it makes it easier to build for that. However note that I've done numerous GP things, and have more coming.. theres a cool update for CaSTaway coming, and with luck some very cool Zot things. So for me, its not that I have left, its that I develop for a lot of things.. most of my things will build on GP32 as well as Palm OS/Zodiac. I still check gp32x daily.

I just can't afford to post 30 times a day like I did before.. just heaven't the energy anymore. Too burnt out :)

But I likely will get a BLU.. too jealous :) My poor FLU :)


I think the GP scene has been moving pretyt well.. it has been a joy to watch GPlinux pop out of nowhere and things like that; but with most of the 'easy' projects out of the way (emu ports), thinjgs must slow down as people have to do more real work, or more looking around for things to do, or more homebrew (writing your own is harder than porting!).. so I hope things keep the speed up for the next year :)
The GP32 does feel like the "come back king". Many seem to leave the scene but find themselves comming back for more :) It is a real nice "no-frills" workhorse handheld. I was hoping the new BLUs would come in black like the ASR edition or other colors as I think it would look much better too but oh well.
I've been out of the loop for a long time, and have come back to find a lot of very nice emulator updates and what not. I think the scene's just right to be honest.