the so-called "PSX" generation

Dozer posted on Dec 9 2003 at 01:22 PM said:
I just bought a dreamcast (£25 with a controller and 3 games! Bargain!) and my mates think that the dc is shit just because it didnt take off that well. If you look at the specs the dc is actually better than the PS2 in some respects. I cant wait for it to come!
Nice buy Dozer. I love, cherish and adore my Dreamcast. :lol:
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I think the scariest memory of C64 vs Spectrum I have is the pure idiocy of JSW2 on C64 compared to the Spectrum one. I added rooms for if you felt compelled to go down the toilet you had that 'practice' mode which was great if you had a map with all the room names on it...but two things stuck in my mind really really well. First of all, the actual screen ratio. What the hell? It's wider than on Speccy! Walking speed seems the same, but oh man...soooooooo boooooooring walking from room to room beause it's TOO WIDE! And then...I seem to remember if you turned the music on or off or something, the player would pause but enemies would not. There was obvious advantages to this...but one other one was sometimes, if you were lucky, it negated collision detection also. This was truly an interesting basically, to me, the game was enhanced by all its stupidness.

But back on topic...the only generation I never took any notice of was the early 32 bit one. From about 94 to 97, I just went into PC gaming for a while. Do I regret it? Damn right I do! But now is the age of the internet, where old crap surfaces once again. It's not that hard to buy early CD-based consoles, or oddities like SC-3000's online. And believe me...I will go do all that in the next year :)
The dreamcast is one of the best systems EVER... I've been playing Soul Calibur 1 (after buying 2 on GC) and it still stands up today. Amazing....

Of course, there were a LOT of crappy games for the DC, but as it stands the DC was the last console of it's type- that is based on providing arcade games in the home. With the current state of arcades, this will never happen again. So when I play OutTrigger, F355, Virtua Tennis, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter 3, 18 Wheeler etc.. it brings a tear to my eye!!

It's a pity some of the proposed extras were never released (like Zip drive, web cam etc), Sega were pioneers in the console field. But they were terrible as a business...

And the emulators for it are excellent... ;-)
Holy crap this is a long thread. Im proud to say that im in the SNES generation. I played the nes as a baby with my dad, then the SNES was an addiction (Megaman where are you now?) I played that for YEARS (6-7)

I am 15, but do you know WHY im not the cast down 'PSX Gen' ??? because when the PSX came out my parents were young, renting, had three kids in a suburban area. I got my PSX when i was 12 becuase we could not AFFORD it until then. I kind of makes me sick some of the people who have every console made since the NES. But then again im kind of jealouse too :D But things are changed now i have a gamecube, 3 iMacs, 1 PC (2 houses, 3 cars blah blah blah) and i go to a private school in NY (Its called IHC in watertown, in case anyone cares) . Boy can things change fast :) Just remember that kids when you cant afford a gp32, there will be a time when you can.
Ruune posted on Dec 9 2003 at 05:16 PM said:
Holy crap this is a long thread. Im proud to say that im in the SNES generation. I played the nes as a baby with my dad, then the SNES was an addiction (Megaman where are you now?) I played that for YEARS (6-7)

I am 15, but do you know WHY im not the cast down 'PSX Gen' ??? because when the PSX came out my parents were young, renting, had three kids in a suburban area. I got my PSX when i was 12 becuase we could not AFFORD it until then. I kind of makes me sick some of the people who have every console made since the NES. But then again im kind of jealouse too :D But things are changed now i have a gamecube, 3 iMacs, 1 PC (2 houses, 3 cars blah blah blah) and i go to a private school in NY (Its called IHC in watertown, in case anyone cares) . Boy can things change fast :) Just remember that kids when you cant afford a gp32, there will be a time when you can.
Can I have some money please?
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i'm in the middle of this report thing from egm... kids are stupid: "why doesn't it explpode (makes retarded face mocking kids...)"...i have decided that this is a generation of stupidity....
see, but thats the thing. these stupid little retards obviously have never played the classics. i, on the ther hand have played many of those gfames for long amounts of time. what i meant by that was don't generalise because of age. thats like saying, "oh black people dont even appreciate the virtual boy" or some other such nonsense. they (egm) obvioulsy picked kids who didnt know shit about classics to test and get their reactions. i mean, come on, they think tetris sucks because theres no friggin explosions??? thes kids are 9-14 and they've never played fucking tetris??? jeez! when i was 9 i had played the NES the SNES the genesis the game boy the psx the n64 and countless other less popular systems. no, i am not rich, infact for a while i only had 1 system at a time because i couldnt afford to buy 2 without selling one off. even now, i payed for my PS1, i payed for my dreamcast, i i payed about 5/6 of my xbox, and i payed for my gp32.

So there :P
"black people dont even appreciate the virtual boy"

that kicks ass. I think that should be on a Tshirt
Great another c64 vs Speccy comparison - haven't seen one of those for at least 5 minutes :D

I am firmly in the C64 camp (got mine for Christmas '84 after finally persuading my parents that it would be much more "educational" than a Acorn Electron that the store were pushing)

My mate had a spectrum and the only thing it could do better than the C64 was 3d wire frame graphics - Elite.

Sound on the the speccy was non-existent, colour clash was awful, joystick support wasn't standard (remember the kempston interface).

The c64 had great sound via SID (which is still being used today)
graphics could be a bit blocky
in the UK it came with a tape drive - but you could get a disk drive from day 1.

some games on both systems were great though -
Any of the early ultimate games on the speccy
Wizball, last ninja, ultima iv on the c64

but lets be honest if you compared the same title on both systems the c64 would usually win hands down (waits for the flame war to begin :D )
Those kids at EGM are st00pid... Really, an 11yo doesn't know what pong/tetris is...? I (11, too) like tetris, don't care about explosions, and actually know what all those things are... Really...
rcx21000 posted on Dec 10 2003 at 08:40 PM said:
Those kids at EGM are st00pid... Really, an 11yo doesn't know what pong/tetris is...? I (11, too) like tetris, don't care about explosions, and actually know what all those things are... Really...
Christ, my sister is 11 and shes no where near as mature as u r! and they say that girls mature faster :P . Id have put you at mid to late 20s if i hadnt noticed ur sig!
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Dozer posted on Dec 10 2003 at 08:47 PM said:
rcx21000 posted on Dec 10 2003 at 08:40 PM said:
Those kids at EGM are st00pid... Really, an 11yo doesn't know what pong/tetris is...? I (11, too) like tetris, don't care about explosions, and actually know what all those things are... Really...
Christ, my sister is 11 and shes no where near as mature as u r! and they say that girls mature faster :P . Id have put you at mid to late 20s if i hadnt noticed ur sig!
I dunno, he's kinda naive in thinking that dogs are better than cats... :P
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