Holy crap this is a long thread. Im proud to say that im in the SNES generation. I played the nes as a baby with my dad, then the SNES was an addiction (Megaman where are you now?) I played that for YEARS (6-7)
I am 15, but do you know WHY im not the cast down 'PSX Gen' ??? because when the PSX came out my parents were young, renting, had three kids in a suburban area. I got my PSX when i was 12 becuase we could not AFFORD it until then. I kind of makes me sick some of the people who have every console made since the NES. But then again im kind of jealouse too

But things are changed now i have a gamecube, 3 iMacs, 1 PC (2 houses, 3 cars blah blah blah) and i go to a private school in NY (Its called IHC in watertown, in case anyone cares) . Boy can things change fast

Just remember that kids when you cant afford a gp32, there will be a time when you can.