An Old Flame

May 17, 2010
Um..... I think you are missing a small (yeah right) point about the Nintento
Games... THERE FUN!!!! Gee, now isn't that a novel concept, a bunch of video
games that are fun to play. In my house we have 360, PS2
and Wii. Take a guess which gets played the most? Come on guess. Give up?
The Wii. Why becaue it has such FUN games as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Wii Fit,
Wii Sports, Mario Kart, et. al. The only thing my brothers (who
are 9 and 13) use the 360 for (PS2 system now sits in a closet.) is Sports
games. That's because good sports games look better on a system with
awesome graphics. My brothers still play sports games on Wii too. The Wii has
something that the PS2 used to beat the superior Xbox:
playabilty. I can still give you a list of PS2 games that I would not
mind playing today, most of them were made by Activision, but there are still
some Sony classics. To make a long story short (Too late :-) great hardware
does not a great system make. This is both true for PC's and Video Gaming
systems. I still prefer PC's over Macs, and Wii over 360. As a closeing


I have modified this post slightly. Guess when it was originally made?

Answer: 1989

In article <89344.010826SML...@PSUVM.BITNET> SML...@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
>On the subject of choosing a video five cents....
>Personally, I think the Nintendo is a piece of right wing garbage akin to the
>IBM PC. Slow, out of date, but heavily marketed so that mindless dweenies will
>think it's the hottest thing since Zelda had her first period.

Um..... I think you are missing a small (yeah right) point about the Nintento
Games... THERE FUN!!!! Gee, now isn't that a novel concept, a bunch of video
games that are fun to play. In my house we have Sega Master System, Genesis
and NES. Take a guess which gets played the most? Come on guess. Give up?
The NES. Why becaue it has such FUN games as Zelda, Link, Metroid, SMB2, Metal
Gear, Fester's Quest, Double Dragon, et. al. The only thing my brothers (who
are 9 and 13) use the Genesis for (Sega Master system now sits in a closet.)
is Sports games. That's because good sports games look better on a system with
awesome graphics. My brothers still play sports games on NES too. The NES has
something that the ATARI 2600 used to beat the superior Intellivision:
playabilty. I can still give you a list of ATARI 2600 games that I would not
mind playing today, most of them were made by Activision, but there are still
some atari classics. To make a long story short (Too late :-) great hardware
does not a great system make. This is both true for PC's and Video Gaming
systems. I still prefer PC's over Macs, and NES over Genesis. As a closeing
>Scott Le Grand
Sphinxter said:
Just get the nintendo tattoo already and STFU.

What? :lol:

You're adorable.

More olde worlde:

> There are good games for the NES, but the arrogant buttholes running
>Nobraindo have decided that we Americans are content with the older
>games. This allows them to make reams off of their inferior software
>and then make even more money when their better progogrammed games.....

Well. Maybe. But if mindless 'Merican kids are going to buy rehashed
ninja games, don't blame Nintendo for going after the money. Nintendo
is a business just like any other and isn't here only to fulfill the wet
dreams of game lovers like us.

>useless. If you don't want or like to play NES games, that's your perfect
>don't dismiss millions of people who actually enjoy NES games
>as simple minded. That just shows your near-sightedness and ignorance.
>Think about it.

I don't dismiss them as simple minded, I dismiss them as ignorant. There
is a difference. These people don't realize what an obsolete piece
of crap the NES is. Just like there are hoards of people who still
believe PC clones are the pinnacle of Earth technology...

This is crazy... I'm reading a thread about Nes lockout chips and monopolistic practices like it's happening right now. I could easily be reading a thead in here, but it's actually a twenty year old time capsule.

It's amazing how much nothing ever changes. I wish I could reply... tell them about the future and stuff.


So apparently the Snes has slowdown issues? I never noticed that one. And it had... a wimpy cpu? I can't say I ever thought about what was inside my consoles back then.

Right now I'm following a pissing contest about which console can display the most sprites. Bizarre!
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SNES's CPU sucks, and it didn't help that a lot of earlier games had to run it at a lower clock mode to keep up with slower ROMs.

Talking about Genesis games not being fun in 1989 is kind of funny, the thing was barely out! I guess the situation changed a lot when Sonic was released.
Exophase said:
SNES's CPU sucks, and it didn't help that a lot of earlier games had to run it at a lower clock mode to keep up with slower ROMs.

Talking about Genesis games not being fun in 1989 is kind of funny, the thing was barely out! I guess the situation changed a lot when Sonic was released.

Well interestingly, I'm reading flamewars regarding Megadrive/Genesis vs. PC Engine, and there are people pointing out the Genesis hasn't been out that long.

This stuff is amazing, in that it puts ancient history into context. It's also interesting, because at the time I was just a kid playing games... I didn't think much about the technical arguments (I guess it didn't matter).

I imagine that kids today probably don't care about this stuff either.
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SomeGuy99 said:
Well interestingly, I'm reading flamewars regarding Megadrive/Genesis vs. PC Engine, and there are people pointing out the Genesis hasn't been out that long.

This stuff is amazing, in that it puts ancient history into context. It's also interesting, because at the time I was just a kid playing games... I didn't think much about the technical arguments (I guess it didn't matter).

I imagine that kids today probably don't care about this stuff either.

In America TurboGrafx-16 actually came out slightly after Genesis. Is the discussion really talking about the Japanese releases? Is it from posters outside America? If so that's actually pretty weird, back then the awareness of the Japanese video game market wasn't that high. PC-Engine is kind of remarkable though, in that it came out in 1987 then because of the CD-ROM addon (that added very little to the core functionality) it kept getting games clear up until the mid 90s.
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Exophase said:
PC-Engine is kind of remarkable though, in that it came out in 1987 then because of the CD-ROM addon (that added very little to the core functionality) it kept getting games clear up until the mid 90s.

I had the pleasure of enterering the retro dungeon in CEX on Rathbone Street (London) when it was still running. I hear that they've now changed it, and now the room is full of DVD movies. So anyway... I got to see their dungeon, and it contained the most extensive collection of PC Engine/Turbografix stuff in every conceivable combination. My mind literally boggled at just how many different machines and formats there were for that thing. At the time, I had barely even heard of the system!

It's a shame I can't find photos of the place. It was the closest the UK ever had to the games shops in Akihabara.
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Yeah, NEC/Hudson released a huge variety of PCE models and peripherals, maybe of them were almost exactly the same damn thing :D
Exophase said:
Yeah, NEC/Hudson released a huge variety of PCE models and peripherals, maybe of them were almost exactly the same damn thing :D

I feel massively sorry for anyone who was a fan of their stuff, and also a compulsive collector.

Are there any good PC Engine CD games than run in Temper?
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