The Rabbit Joint

I hear you, I noticed Dosbos games beginning to pop up on the archive lately, too. I wonder why they're approved though?
Javacat said:
Shaved my sideburns now, so they are now a number 3 instead of 3 inches long :blink:
Why would you shave your sideburns? Sideburns are awesome! I always get compliments from random people for mine. I was once accosted by two young Scotsmen in a pub who were impressed by my sideburns.

As a side note, Scots are a very weird people.

In other news, I've bitched about how shitty working in tech support is here before and yesterday I finally did something about it. I talked with my boss about maybe picking up some of the other work around the office, sysadmin related work and maybe a bit of programming, and he seemed very into the idea. Since one of our sysadmins quit (though he still works for us part time as a contractor), our remaining sysadmin's workload is going up, so so he said it would be good having me pick up some of his slack part time while still working as a tech part time (since we're still short-staffed in that department). He has to talk with his boss about it, but considering my qualifications he agreed that I'm being "wasted" in my current job. My fingers are crossed.

I probably jinxed it by talking about it here, and I'm sure nobody really cares, but I'm pretty excited and I needed to get that out. Good IT jobs in Edmonton are tough to come by without experience so moving up here is a good stepping stone to better things, either with this company or outside of it.
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I didn't actually shave them off, but used a hair shaving thingy to shorten the hairs. The Noddy look wouldn't suit me :p

Edit: also, I love scots people
Javacat said:
I bought a suit today!!!
I was gonna splurge on a Kiton suit the other day, but I couldnt get over the price. Sure, I'd have it for the rest of my life, but I ended up passing it up as it's a lot of money in one shot :wacko:
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Download score of the decade:

The entire season one of The SIx Million Dollar Man. :D :D :D :D :D :D

I got the whole of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series on VHS for 1.99 in a charity shop today. Safe!
Nova said:
I got the whole of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series on VHS for 1.99 in a charity shop today. Safe!

nice! love that program, i watched it all a couple of weeks ago! it shat on the film.
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Hey telco, since I'm already lazy and complacent, how much would it cost to get one of those crucible things pre-made?
Talking of safety, I was in Tescos yesterday and I saw that they sell Tesco Value crash helmets :blink:
I LOL'd at Tesco Value broadband. It's horrifyingly bad.
I've been catching up with Neighbours and I've just seen the one where Stingray dies. It's so sad :(

The subbed DVD release had better be out soon :angry: :angry: :angry:
Javacat said:
I've been catching up with Neighbours and I've just seen the one where Stingray dies. It's so sad :(
I missed that one out of principle...
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