The Rabbit Joint

I'm only seeing some of peoples status updates and all my recent thingies down the right is missing atm. Everything occasionally reappears if I refresh a few times. It's been doin this more and more often recently ¬_¬

Although I did find it amusing when a load of their source code appeared once :D
Javacat said:
lulzfish said:
Javacat said:
7 days


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What do all you non-americans think of Obama winning the nobel peace prize?
those are my thoughts as an american, but I haven't really looked at any of the other candidates in any depth at all.
i really don't like it when people get nobel prizes from mostly hype. i mean, i like al gore, but he only got the prize from that movie based off the book he made like 20 years before.
I'm starting to feel sorry for Obama. There are some clearly ridiculous expectations on his shoulders that aren't entirely his fault, and there's no chance he can fulfil them all and people are bout to be disappointed.

Giving him the Nobel Peace Prize is ridiculous, considering he hasn't done anything of note yet, and is only going to make the situation worse for him.