The Rabbit Joint

Well, it's just good to have the forums back.
Does look pretty, but kinda bloated, I'll get used to it.
I dislike it. Hando needs to stop messing with the boards, He fixed it and now he's broken it again.

Also, the logo sucks even worse than the last


You take up far too much of my life, gp32x.
Hmm... I had already gotten used to the last layout, and now this? It's not bad but it feels... too different. Anyway, it's good to have the boards back. :)

And I see we can vote on posts now...

Edit: Oooh, auto quick edit with scrolling effect.
I think the logo is ok, it's clean and simple. As for the forums, can't see anything that'd bother me, whole voting thing seems a bit silly though. The color scheme of the forum just works. For couple days downtime this seems like an ok upgrade. I'd rather not have downtime though, but I guess I should be happy that hando has interest and time to work on this.