Goddamnit, now I need to get another handheld this (?) year
Pros over Pandora:
- Looks sexier, less geeky (THIS combined with the promo will be the reason everyone will love it and the pandora stays niche)
- 3D camera -> 3D photos (but do we really need this?...)
- 3D movies... on tiny screens. Is that really worth it? But surely a somewhat fun experience.
- Titles are probably graphically better than PSX & N64 -> better looking games than on pandora
- Can't emulate 3DS games on pandora, but you can emulate pandora's emulators' games sooner or later on the 3DS...
- No UMPC, no openness.
- Worse controls (although still good enough)
- No big game library at start, i.e. no existing PSX, n64 emus
at least not right on.... let's see how long it takes to get this cracked
- Smaller screen (face it, you're only looking at one at a time)
But seeing as this will get extremely high quality games, ie paper mario, MGS, pokemon and what not it means sooner or later i won't come around of this
3DS will be for that Hollywood experience (game- & moviewise). My Pandora will be my UMPC and retro emulation machine. I'll have use for both of them.