The Dream...


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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I had such a stange dream this night... I dreamed that I broke into someones house with some friends of mine :huh: But we while were looking for some expensive stuff, my eye catched a glimp of a yes... GP32!!! :huh: I only took that and ran away :lol: A highly violent police chase came then... Then I woke up asking myself where my GP32 (I stole) was. (and I don't have any) Then I remembered it was all just a dream... :lol:

Really strange...

Don't know why I post this here. Maybe cause only you all know what a GP32 is :)
Vimacs posted on May 29 2006 at 10:59 AM said:
lol, crazy geek :-)

now go and buy a gp32.
or steal one ^^
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I had a dream that I snuck into the house next to my old house I lived in when I was 1-10 years old. It was huge in there like a hospital or something and there was a Blue GBA SP in the kitchen next to the front door that I took and then we left.

That was about a year or so ago.
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I was playing a cool (at the time) MMO called Face of Mankind. It was in beta so I was busily having fun at no cost to me. Well in that game I was on the BOS which are the underground criminal people. The enemies are the LED which are a bunch of corrupt 12 year-old cops (some even are in real life) Anyway, just get the point that I am against the LED.

So I keep on playing FoM and one weekend I play so long that I never go to sleep. I didn't plan on staying up all night it just happened. So I woke up Saturday morning, and stayed up until Sunday night around 8. (oh and I had hockey practice at 6:15 Sunday, which was fun :/ ) I wasn't really tired when I went to sleep, I just knew I wasn't going to be able to go to school the next day. Then at 9 pm my parents woke me up. They were pretty confused because I don't normally (or ever for that matter) go to sleep as early as 8. So while i'm downstairs talking to them they ask me where I scraped my knee. Apparently I told them the LED did it. (I don't remember any of this) Yes, the LED, my arch(virtual)enemies. Then I finally started coming to my senses, at least to the part where I start to remember what happened. After that my mom asked me why I was sleeping so early and I started talking about 'completing the brown circle' (I actually remember this part) Then I finally got in complete control of myself, told them I had just stayed up, and then went to sleep.

Cool huh?

I have more dreams posted all over the place I can add.
This one was recent

well it was more like 10 am but anyway.

I randomly got in a car and drove to sixflags. I was in the line to go through the place where you pay for parking and it was really misty and foggy(i.e. you can't see 50 feet infront of you). All of the roller coasters were closed but there was still a huge line. I didn't even plan on doing anything, but anyway. I had a radio with a screen on it that was playing TV, which I thought was cool. Then when the line moves up a lot and I'm second in line for the toll booth thing where you get parking passes and I'm coming up and start to break but I think I'm going to hit the car so I break more and don't hit it. But my car is really close and to the in the left half of the lane. So I put it in reverse to back it our and get back in the middle of the lane. Im going backwards to the right and my brake wont stop the car. Randomly there is some time of cliff (going up) to the right and my car goes up it a little to stop. Then I come back down after the car infront passed through and go in. I'm going down the road to the parking lot after the parking pass booth and all of a sudden a lot of things hit my car, so I pull over and get out and 2 police cars had ran into me and been smashed to bits. (Of course, my car was completely unhurt)
That was the end of that dream.

Then I had another where I had my dad and 2 sisters (I don't have 2 sisters) in the car. My mom had walked to Italy (apparently we were somewhere close to Italy) and It was night. I drove over to Italy and dropped my Dad of somewhere he was going then took my sisters and I to some hotel thing. I was supposed to stay there, but I took the car and went up some trail in my car with wooden bridges up through mountains.
That was the end of that dream.

strange dreams last night...
I had a dream that scared the living daylights out of me. It's a bit of a long one and if I remember I will write it up and post it here. But right now, oddly enough, I'm off to bed.

Sleep tight :unsure:
holy ... ! this morning I woke up with the most embarrassing dream I ever had on my mind... there are dreams that you wanna remember and this one was one that I would even pay money for to forget...

I had a dream that I was in a german scheisse-porn.... OMFG!!! This was the worst nightmare I ever had right after that one where I had sex with Hella von Sinnen and she was bald... (If you are from germany, you will know who Hella von Sinnen is... she is a most disgustingly fat comedian)... I just felt like showering and setting my bedsheets on fire after that. Yeah, well this morning I felt like not only showering but also like decontaminating my whole body with 80% ethanol. And then burning myself and changing my skin. What the hell do people find sexually arousing about taking a shit on each other and smearing it onto their faces? I don't wanna go to sleep EVER again...