Well for me, I was always looking for a good handheld that would fit most of my needs. I was never an early adopter for that reason. Even when the gameboy came out, I loved the idea of a portable gaming system but I wanted something that played like the superNintendo so, I didn't get one until the GBA came out. Then they made the SP model and I thought, "wow", It must've been love, idk, "sigh". Anyway, I kept thinking back then how they could improve on this gaming device, especially when I finally got a PalmTX after watching the previous models and was eager to get one, and then the NDS come out followed by the NDSL. I remember buying at least two original DS before the redesign and about six DSL after, because of the kids, nieces, etc. The DSL form factor I thought was just perfect. I loved the TX pda functions and screen size but, not so much playing games on it. So I kept thinking and wondering, what if there was a device that implemented both of these devices, have the DSL form factor, can play games and also have pda functions. I search and search online and began reading Engadget a lot when one day someone posted a link to the GP2X forum about such a device being build. I followed the link and here we are, 2-3 years later.